☆ 16 ☆

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not sure if anyone actually reads these but if you're reading this thanks. I need to buy some bluetooth headphones but don't really know where to get them for a fair price, i live in the uk, does anyone have any recommendations?
"Rin? Rin wake up." Amaimon shook the omegas shoulder as delicately as he could, feeling as though he could snap the smaller demon.
The younger groaned, but opened his eyes. He had fallen asleep once his tears could no longer flow, and Amaimon had been sat on the bathroom floor for an hour with Rin in his lap.
Amaimon's legs knew what it felt like when a tv lost its signal.
"I'm sorry.." Rin moved off of him, sluggishly getting up.
"Are you still tired? I kind of still need to talk to you..." Amaimon frowned, unsure of whether to tell Rin what he had figured out.
He was unable to make the younger an appointment either, as his brother would be notified of his presence around Rin.
"I just feel a bit flat, I can still talk..." Rin's face dropped, "c-can we cuddle, though? Mephisto cuddles me when I feel like this and.."
"Yes." Amaimon didn't really need to think about it, and had already scooped Rin into his arms.
He carefully placed Rin onto his feet, before throwing himself down onto the couch.
He opened his arms with a smirk and a raise of his eyebrows.
Rin rolled his eyes, cautiously joining Amaimon to make himself comfortable.
Once Rin had settled, Amaimon rested his hand on Rin's waist, unsure where else to put it.
"So... You're attracted to me." It wasn't a question, and Rin sighed softly.
"I guess.. I don't know. It's like, I'm even more emotional than usual if your scent isn't around? It's really confusing because there's this voice that keeps saying it wants 'alpha' in my head. Like Mephisto is an alpha but that just makes it worse. Please don't make fun of me, Mephisto said I was being stupid." Rin covered his face with his hands, and Amaimon growled lightly.
How dare Mephisto call Rin stupid. How dare he not explain what Rin was experiencing to the omega!
Amaimon reached up to pet Rin's hair, remembering that one of his previous lovers enjoyed it when they were upset.
"Ah... that's... well... Mephisto is a prick. Did he mention anything about true mates... or soul bonds?" Amaimon was unsure of how to tell Rin, and unsure of how the younger would react to the information.
"He mentioned it a few times... said he thought I was his? Why?" Amaimon removed his hand from Rin's hair to dig his fingernails into his palms. He glared into thin air as a growl left his throat, his scent wrapping around them aggressively.

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