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uwu more art
"Rin can you please calm down? It's not as bad as it sounds!" Mephisto barely caught a chair flying towards him.
He had managed to get the unpresented omega back home, but that didn't mean Rin was any less frustrated.
"I came to do a mission. Not this shit!" Rin snarled at him, Kuro responding to his annoyance and beginning to hiss at Mephisto.
Mephisto knew he had to leave, the younger demon would not calm down anytime soon.
"Call me when you've stopped being an idiot."
~~a few days later~~
"I just don't know what to do Kuro, I'm here for a mission, not whatever this crap is." Rin grumbled, looking up at Kuro, who sat on the edge of the bath tub Rin was currently occupying.
"you need to call mephisto about it Rin." The smaller demon answered Rin in a cutesy voice, and Rin rolled his eyes at his familiar.
"I'll do it after school." Rin sighed, beginning to rise from the bubbles of his bath.
A sharp pain in his back made him stop and let out a small cry of pain.
Just above his tail..?
Looking back at the mirror, Rin almost fainted.
His tail was so much fluffier, he couldn't believe it was even his, and it had become thicker at its base.
Seemed like it would be less of a weak spot..
Rin grit his teeth, getting out of the bath shakily as dull pain set into his hips.
"Rin? Maybe you shouldn't go to school.." Kuro paced around his feet anxiously.
"It's my first day, I can't skip it." Rin grunted, grabbing a towel from the rack.
"You sir, are not going anywhere. I can smell you from my apartment!" A poke to his back and the words spoken caused Rin to jump violently and screech.
Stupid Mephisto..
"Smell me? I just had a bath you asshole." Rin growled lightly, not even realising he was making the noise of demonic origin.
to be continued . .

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