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"Amai... stop, you're walking too fast.." Rin whimpered, hoping his mate would slow down, even a little.
Rin could feel that something wasn't right, he was certain of it.
From the tight grip on his hand, to the way his mate was walking. The tenderness Amaimon had for Rin wasn't there, it was as if Amaimon had lost himself.
Rin didn't like it.

"Amaimon, I said stop it!" Rin screeched, digging his heels into the carpeted flooring with a harsh glare.
Amaimon's tail escaped it's confinement and began swiping through the air in an irritated, aggressive way.
"Rin, princess, please? I need to get you back to our room, I need to make sure you're safe." Amaimon's face dropped to a frown rather than a snarl, his voice quiet and vulnerable. Rin's heart clenched painfully, wondering what could have possibly made his alpha feel so unguarded.


"Okay.. we're here, will you please tell me what's going... Amaimon? Amai what's wrong?" Rin rushed forward to sit Amaimon down on the bed, quickly scooting to sit as close as possible.
His sleeves were pulled down over his hands, and he gently used them to wipe away his mates stray tears.
He hadn't even realised...
Amaimon shook his head a little, pushing the omega away as he curled in on himself.
"I'm being a shitty alpha, Rin. I'm failing at my only job." Amaimon sniffled, and Rin's throat felt as though it was closing up as tears built in his own eyes.

"Amai.. you're amazing, how could you even think that you're a bad alpha? You took me to appointments, you let me stay in your house, you got me clothes, hell, you even brought me here to see my brother. What part of that is so bad?" Rin nuzzled Amaimon, gently trying to get him to bring his knees away from his chest.
"I don't feel safe here Rin, I don't feel like I can keep you safe. I-I saw your friend hug you and I just... what if you find someone better than me?" Rin's own tears began to fall, and he swiftly pulled Amaimon into his arms.
"Do you know how many times I've thought the same? We have a soul bond, Amai. But that isn't everything, I like you for you, not some stupid fate crap. I like your natural, wavy hair. I like the way you sneak in when you think I'm sleeping just to cuddle, then leave before I wake up, yes I noticed that. You're too afraid to ask, right? I love the way your entire being seems to soften when you talk about Behemoth, or when you're around the lil guy. I love you, you dummy." Rin laughed awkwardly, his tears falling even faster at his confession, and he screamed when he was suddenly not on the bed, and was falling.
He landed on the floor with a thud, with a blushing, yet happy smelling Amaimon lingering above him, hands either side of Rin's head.

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