☆ 15 ☆

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The moment Rins screech ended, and his eyes opened once more, the rodent was gone.
In front of him, stood a very wide eyed, blushing Amaimon.
Rin wondered as to why Amaimon was so flustered, and his eyes trailed downwards slowly in thought.
bare chest
Rin stepped back as if he'd been zapped, eyes screwing shut. A blush made its way onto his own cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry! I haven't done it in so long I forgot!"
"Clothes are in the drawer." Rin had turned and was leaving the room.
Amaimon frowned, inwardly yelling at himself for allowing this situation to happen.
His clothes fell from him when he switched to his hamster form, and bent to reach under Rin's bed to retrieve them.
god this was awkward
He tugged on his skinny jeans and striped long-sleeve shirt, leaving the room cautiously.
He hoped Rin wasn't angry..
Hearing deep, almost ragged breathing, Amaimon followed it.
He ended up outside of the second bathroom, which he didn't even know was there, sniffing at the air.
Rin was distressed, upset even. Amaimon choked on a croon that threatened to escape his throat.
'Just shut up' a whimper.
"Rin?" He called, gently knocking on the door.
"Rin what's wrong?"
The door flung open and Amaimons vision swirled momentarily at the overwhelming scent of distress.
The sight of Rin's tears had him crouching slightly to be eye-level with the younger.
"What's wrong?" His voice quietened, and he hoped Rin could hear him.
"I-I just... all of these urges..." Rin looked away from him, "I don't know who I am anymore, fuck, why am I so attracted to you?" He cried out, arms wrapping around himself as he shook with a sob.
Amaimon teared up at the sight, a croon finally escaping his throat.
He grabbed for Rin, scent turning protective as he took Rin into his arms and directed the omegas nose to his own scent gland.
As Rin continued to shake, Amaimon stared at the mirror behind him with a murderous stare.
Rin was not presenting.

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