☆ 22 ☆

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Rin gasped, his back hitting the wall roughly as Amaimon caged him in. A growl rumbled in the alphas chest.
"Who told you to call me that? I am not your alpha until you accept me as such. You clearly have not, so, who told you to call me such a thing?" He growled throatily, tilting his head with narrowed eyes, and Rin whimpered, eyes tearing up at the display. Amaimon's throat was beautifully on display for the omega, and Rin desperately tried not to shove his nose into the creamy column of the alphas neck.
"D.. Dalgi. The red haired one.." Rin reined in his inner omega, tail curling around Amaimons; which had escaped his jeans somehow.
Amaimon glanced to their intertwined tails, before returning his eyes to Rin's face and teary eyes.
"..Don't call me alpha unless you're comfortable to do so." Amaimon moved away from Rin, unravelling from Rins. He walked to a door, hand hesitating on the door handle.
"I don't have a bath, so you'll have to shower. I'm sorry, I'll get a bath put in." He smiled at Rin, opening the door and gesturing for Rin to enter.
It struck Rin as odd that Amaimon was acting like nothing had happened, but walked into the bathroom with a sigh.
"No, it's fine. You don't have to do that." Rin muttered in reply, taking off his shoes, which he then handed to Amaimon.
"I'll make some food while you shower, and I'll leave some clothes outside of the door.."

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