☆ 6 ☆

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We continue . .

"Your scent Rin. I'm an alpha, and you are an omega who is presenting." Mephisto leered over Rin, who covered himself with his tail.
"Did you even read the leaflets you took home?" Mephisto sighed, resting his forehead on his hand as he stepped away.
"Yes but... I didn't expect this so soon.." Rin gulped, his figure beginning to shiver.
Mephisto reaches out just enough for his fingertips to brush against Rin's cheek gently.
"Rin, I need you to stay calm for me, okay?" Mephisto spoke softly, something Rin never thought he would see.
The alphas soft eyes struck something within Rin that made the younger demon feel as though he should seek comfort from him.
Rin nodded, hoping that feeling would leave him soon.
"Alright, take these and get changed. I'll wait for you in the kitchen, I need coffee. I need to take you shopping for some things." Mephisto spoke, and Rin simply nodded once more, and a small bottle of pills was pushed into Rin's hand.
"Will you be alright alone? Do you need help changing?" Mephisto had stopped walking away, and was now looking back at Rin with an unreadable expression.
"I-I'm alright, I won't take long." Rin's voice cracked and he scrunched his nose up in distaste. The alpha chuckled, leaving the room.
Rin gravitated toward his old pastel clothing that he had worn when the heat made dark clothes too much, the baby pink turtleneck basically calling to him.
He grabbed some blue jeans, confusion filling him at the pink flower patches that occupied the back pockets, before he remembered that they were custom from Shiemi.
That girl and her plant obsession, Rin smiled.
Putting on the clothing, Rin whimpered slightly, realising that the jeans were now too long for him.
Had he shrunk?
Panic began filling Rin, as he stared down at his own legs.
The thighs of the jeans were tighter..
"Are you alright?" Mephisto called from the kitchen, and Rin shook his head.
Calm. He needed to be calm.
He breathed out a sigh, bending over to roll the jeans up at the ankle, slipping his black converse on afterwards.
He hoped Mephisto wouldn't tease him, he felt more sensitive than usual..
Rin hummed, rubbing at his damp hair with a towel as he walked into the kitchen.
He found that simply being around Mephisto helped his worries settle.
"Rin! You're going to catch a cold! Let me dry it!" Mephisto gasped, grabbing the towel from Rin's head and guiding Rin to the couch immediately.
Rin didn't even have time to object before a hairdryer was being used on his navy locks.
"Your immune system is weaker now Rin, you need to make sure you're not even risking it a little bit." Mephisto tutted at him.
Rin supposed be should feel like he was being babied, he should be annoyed, but for reasons unknown to him, Rin took great pleasure in being pampered by the alpha.
Perhaps it was an omega thing.

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