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Right, so here I go.
I love you all so much and thank you for all the support on this. But please, I ask you to put that support into climate justice also.
I have been peacefully protesting today, we're making ourselves known. It is our future that is at stake, and it needs all the help it can get.
I'm not asking you to get out there and start yelling about it, I'm asking you to do small things, and if you really want to, go to a protest, have some fun.
Of course, I know it's not about fun, but it is fun. When you go with the right people, anything is fun, right?
Some things you can do to help;
1. Use energy efficient appliances, computers etc. And efficient lighting, replace regular bulbs with compact fluorescents. These use four times less energy and they last eight times longer.
2. Drive less (if you can drive lmao). You can walk, bike, take public transport or carpool.
Also check your tires, properly inflated tires improve the fuel efficiency of your car.
3. Stop wasting water! Use a mug of water when brushing your teeth, shaving or washing your face/hands. It takes a lot of energy to heat water, so try to limit how much hot water you use too.
4. Say no to plastic/reduce usage. Avoid stuff with a lot of packaging, and take a cloth bag when shopping. Don't use single-use plastics! They're honestly the worst, don't come near with those hoes.
5. Plant some more trees! If you're into gardening, why not help the planet while you're doing what you love?
6. Turn off your electronics. Turn off your television, stereo, computer, lights and fans. NO this does not mean put it on standby.
7. Use recyclable products, perhaps things made with recycled packaging even?

Anyways I love you all, please help me love the planet ♡ ♡ ♡
-circe xx

Anyways I love you all, please help me love the planet ♡ ♡ ♡-circe xx

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