☆ 10 ☆

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a/n sorry about the lack of updates, i've been busy with some stuff oooof i forgot i had wattpad.
here's a wip of my babe Jakob to say sorry ;-;
"Are you sure you'll be alright alone?" Mephisto fussed for the fifth time, hand resting on the young omegas cheek, silently checking for any more appearance changes.
"I'll be fine. Go meet with Yukio, tell him I say he's a bastard for sending me here." Rin cracked a smile, ignoring the wave of anxiety that rolled over him like a rug, making him feel sick.
"I'm going to take the house key with me, is that okay? I'll be locking the front door, don't open any windows." Mephisto looked to Rin seriously, and Rin nodded.
"Okay, I guess I'll go." The alpha sighed, moving to leave the house.
Rin's hand shot out before he could think, grabbing at the elders jacket. Mephisto turned in confusion, eyes softening at the sight of the omega.
"I can leave you my jacket, if that helps.." He knew the inner omega in Rin was begging the younger to get him to stay, but he could not.
Laying with Mephistos coat has lessened Rins anxiety, but not by much.
He inhaled Mephistos comforting scent, exhaled, and inhaled it once more.
A strange scent was tinged into it, and Rins eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
He tilted his head upwards, nosing at the shoulder of the jacket, where the scent was strongest.
The omegas eyes almost rolled back into his skull at the smell, the scent of another alpha overwhelming in his current state.
He whined at the slick that the new smell brought, and inhaled deeply.
He recognised it vaguely, perhaps he'd met the alpha?
He hadn't met anyone.. except..
Rin scowled into the fabric, hating how attractive the demons scent was to him.
Though, the more he inhaled the scent, the more tired he got, and eventually, Rin fell into a fitful slumber
Rin awoke with a start, his dream ending suddenly.
Rin looked around, noticing it was darker. The alarm clock read 23:30, and Rin threw himself back down at the pillow/coat.
He could probably sleep until Mephisto returned.
A tapping caught his attention, but he tried to ignore it, shutting his eyes.
His breath caught in his throat when it became somewhat harsher, and he slowly arose from his laying position to sit up.
In the darkness, Rin could not see much, but he could see the figure of someone at the window.
Rin was absolutely terrified, but gathered enough courage to reach for the light switch.
Once light bled into the room, Rin was able to see that the figure was a familiar, green haired demon.
Standing in front of the glass, Rin blinked at him.
Seeing Amaimons lips moving, he realised he'd have to open the window.
don't open any windows
Unlatching the window and sliding it up, he was face to face with the alpha, wind nipping at his flushed cheeks.
"Is my brother here?" His voice was rushed, and Rin pondered whether to tell the truth.
"No." He answered, fingers messing with the open latch.
His eyes didn't linger from the alpha in front of him.
"Good." Rin squeaked, falling backwards in shock as Amaimon climbed through the window, shutting it after him.
A hand was offered to him.
"I don't think I've introduced myself. I am Amaimon, king of earth. I'm an applicant to be your alpha."

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