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some art 👏
"Rin why are you in Gehenna anyway?" Rin looked up from Behemoth, who he was petting, to see Amaimon's nervous face.
"They sent me on a mission to do some stuff with demon clans.. I think Mephisto is doing it for me actually.." Rin mumbled in reply, now thinking of his home in Assiah. He stood to lean against the counter next to his fated.
"Oh.. Are you... Are you going to go back to Assiah?" Amaimon audibly gulped, and Rin's brows pinched together in thought.
Was he going to go back? It wasn't like they'd been liking him recently...
"I don't know. It depends on whether they want me." The words felt like acid on his tongue, and Rin sighed as soon as they left his mouth.
"I'll come with you, if they do."
All the two demons seemed to do was cuddle, feed Behemoth and talk.
And after days- maybe a week, Rin was beginning to get bored of it.
"I want to go somewhere." Amaimon paused, turning to look at his mate from where he stood, "With you, obviously."
"We can do that, I just assumed you liked it better inside." Amaimon grinned at him, and Rin smiled widely in return.
"What made you think that?" He moved to lace their tails together, as they waited for the kettle to boil.
Tea was a staple for Rin, though Amaimon hated the stuff.
"Well.. You seemed to always stay inside your house, and you've never asked before..." Amaimon mumbled, his hand coming up to rest on Rin's head so that his fingers could cord into silky locks.
"Mephisto told me not to leave.. so I just kind of assumed I couldn't go outside I guess." Rin chuckled nervously, and Amaimon's tail tightened around his own ever so slightly.
"He's an ass like that. Don't ever be worried about asking to leave- you don't even have to ask. Just leave me a note so I know you weren't kidnapped or something." Amaimon laughed, and Rin joined in on the laughter, but nodded.
Behemoth rubbed against his leg, obviously wanting some of the attention.

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