☆ 28 ☆

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haha i painted my shoes
"So... you're saying you want to go back to Assiah? With all the bodily changes you've had?" Amaimon raised an eyebrow, and Rin nodded quickly.
"Why though?" Amaimon had nothing against the idea, just didn't understand why Rin suddenly wanted to go back. He had seemed comfortable enough in Gehenna..
"Yukio got hurt during a mission, so he's in the hospital. I want to visit him." Rin looked away from Amaimon, who frowned.
"Okay.. Pack up the things you want to take." Rin's grin was huge, and he jumped off of the alphas chest to scamper back to their bedroom.
Well... Amaimon didn't really sleep.
The medication for Rin's hormone problem was working well, and Rin's energy had returned.
Of course, the side effects were a bummer, Rin hated having to avoid caffeine.
Amaimon blinked at the tv screen, which was now showing a crime scene where two omegas had been assaulted, and he read the subtitles with a glare.
That's the third time this week.
His frown deepened, glad that they were going to Assiah for a while. He hoped they found the culprit before they returned.
Reading subtitles was a pain, but Rin hated the reporters voice and would whine about the noise so anytime Amaimon wanted to watch the news, he would have to mute the tv.
Perhaps Amaimon should get one of those mobile-things.
"Amai! You're okay with tomato soup tonight right?" He heard Rin call from the bedroom, and he thought about it for a few seconds.
"Yeah! As long as we have french bread!" Amaimon heard Rin laugh at him, and smiled a little.
He knew it was called a baguette, but he'd never admit that to Rin. He loved the little laugh that Rin did whenever he said "french bread."
"Of course we'll have french bread!"
Amaimon yawned, tired from his lack of sleep. He decided a nap would be an acceptable waste of time, and closed his eyes.
Listening to Rin rummage through things and inhaling the omegas lingering scent, Amaimon was out like a light.

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