☆ 14 ☆

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An oc of mine is joining the crew to add some elements of competition, and to add some d r a m a
don't judge him >~>
Rin glanced behind him nervously, turning to open the front door hesitantly.
His hand paused on the doorknob, a strong, unrecognisable scent reaching his nose.
An alpha, Rin was able to distinguish.
He threw the door open enough to poke his head out.
"Hello?" The alpha looked awe-struck, amber eyes wide.
"H-Hello. You must be Rin?" His eyes now bore into Rin's sapphire orbs.
"Mephisto sent me to take care of you for a while. I apologise for the awkwardness and timing, Mephisto went into rut." The alpha rubbed the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly. Rin's head tilted, and he opened the door enough to let Mephisto's friend inside.
went into rut?
"Ah, thank you. My name is Dalgi, by the way." Now in the light, Rin took in the man's appearance.
He wore a black turtleneck, saying 'DIE' in large red block lettering, around his neck was an upside down cross. His ripped up jeans hung low on his hips, neon red suspenders hung down on the outside of his thighs, a chain accompanying the left suspender. Rin recognised his boots as black dr. martens, they had splatters of white paint on them.
His hair was a deep, almost blood red and piercings sat in his pointed ears.
"Nice to meet you... you know Mephisto how exactly?" Rin was suspicious, narrow eyes watching the man look around.
"Oh! He never told you about me?" He pouted at Rin, "We went to highschool together. We go for drinks every friday."
He glanced at the clock, then to Rin's bedroom door.
"Basically I have to check that the house is safe and then I'll leave. Mind if I go check? I'm sure you don't want me hanging around in your space." He smiled, and a warm feeling settled in Rin's cheeks. He was blushing, happy that someone cared what he wanted. Mephisto didn't seem to, he didn't know about Amaimon.
Rin wanted the man to leave so that he could talk more with Amaimon.
"Sure, thanks." Rin smiled tightly at him, leading the alpha to his room silently.

He leaned on the doorway, watching the alpha lock the window, close the curtains, check the closet, check the bathroom, and finally turn back toward him.
"Seems fine, by the way, was there an alpha here?" He cocked a brow.
"No.. sure it isn't just you?" Rin blatantly lied.
"Hmm.. maybe i had the scent on me, or my work bag. Sorry about that. I should get going." The man smiled, and Rin followed him to the front door.
"Same time tomorrow?" Rin joked.
"Yep!" The man replied seriously, waving as he walked away.
Rin scrunched up his face, shutting the door and locking it.
He turned back towards his... empty house.
"Amaimon?" He called, beginning to look around for the alpha.
He was beginning to lose hope, and he wandered into his bedroom.
"Amaimon.." He called, quieter than before.
He screeched, a small green rodent plopping onto his foot to lay down.

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