☆ 38 ☆

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"My mate is a little brat most of the time." - Rin
"Rinn I want to go home." Amaimon pouted, torso hanging off of the bed as he played on Rin's old gameboy.
He had no idea what he was doing, but it seemed to be working.
He swatted Rin with his tail, unsatisfied with the little attention he was getting.
"We can't go home yet Amai, I have a date with Shiemi tomorrow, remember? We arranged it after visiting Yukio." Rin grumbled in reply, lightly holding Amaimon's rail away from his face.
From what Amaimon could tell, Rin was reading something on his phone.
"A date? Isn't that for umm.. mates?" Amaimon's brows furrowed, forgetting what humans called mates.
"Well.. I suppose so, but this is just hanging out for a while. Don't worry." Rin powered off his phone and finally gave Amaimon his full attention.
"Can I come?" Amaimon sounded so hopeful that it hurt Rin's heart a little, but he had to say no.
"I don't think that's a good idea... I'm sorry. We can go on a date together another time if you want to?" Rin bit his lip, weirdly nervous to ask, considering he basically belonged to Amaimon now.
"Okay.. but we better go on a better one than you and blondie." Amaimon pouted, finally dropping the gameboy and moving to lay on the bed.
He rested his head on Rin's lap, and let out a satisfied sigh when the omegas fingers immediately moved to run through his hair and massage his scalp.
"Of course, we'll have the best date." Rin giggled down at Amaimon, who smiled up at him.

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