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also this isn't an ad or anything but y'all should hella join the connecting cafe amino, i've met so many nice people there uwu
if ya do happen to, shoot me a message if ya wanna say anything about the story, it's my lil secret lol
"Rin!" The omega wheezed, breath squeezed out of him as he was swallowed in a group hug.
In the distance, he could see Amaimon speaking with Mephisto, it looked awkward.
His mates hair had gone back to its spiked style, rather than the cute, relaxed and wavy way the alpha had it in Gehenna. Changed from the one Rin liked the most.
"Hello? Rin?" Rin blinked, pulling back from the hug to see who had embraced him.
Shiemi, Shima, and most surprisingly, Bon.
"Hey guys." Rin rubbed the back of his head, feeling awkward now. What would they say about his height etc?
"You got shorter, Rin. Have you been eating right?" Shiemi frowned, and as Rin was about to answer, Bon butted in.
"Obviously he's been eating tons! His hips are as wide as a womans." Bon teased, and Rin bit the inside of his cheek at the spike of insecurity the jab caused.
"Everything okay over here, angel?" Rin jumped, and blushed a bubblegum pink at the nickname, eyes darting to his friends. Amaimon's hands came to rest around his waist.
They'd already started to move back, and Rin frowned. Would they ever get along with his mate?
"Rin.. what's going on? He tried to kill Shiemi." Bon's nose scrunched up and his eyebrows knitted together, confusion settling on his face.
"That was.."
"I was just playing around, I wouldn't have actually hurt her. I just wanted to play with Rin." Amaimon grumbled, cutting Rin off.
"That doesn't explain why you're like this though, and why he called you angel?" Shima chuckled in a nervous way, and Rin gulped.
He'd hoped they could talk about it with everyone at the same time.
"Wait Rin is this why you wanted that information on demon matings- Did this demon force you into mating?!" Shiemi shrieked, drawing attention to them, and Rin's eyes widened, and he made a frantic hand motion to keep it down.
"There's um.. There's this thing called a fated pair and..."
"Rin came to Gehenna so he's even more demon now, and he's an omega. My omega so back off, humans." Amaimon growled, nuzzling Rin's hair quickly.
Rin had no doubt he'd just glared at Rin's friends.
"Can we talk about this somewhere other than the train station...?" Rin asked quietly, looking at his friends through his lashes.
Bon scoffed, and Shiemi moved to touch his arm, giving Bon a soft smile.
"Fine." Bon snapped, and off they went.
To the dorms, back to Rin's old shared room.
Amaimon hummed, playing with Rin's delicate fingers as the omega lay against him.
They were currently waiting for Rin's friends to gather the rest of the crew, so that they could explain fully.
Amaimon had also given his brother a call, as much as he didn't want to, on Rin's request.
He thought about his brothers earlier words with pursed lips.
Yukio, the four eyes, in Gehenna?
Absolutely not.
Amaimon almost snarled at the thought. A stupid four eyes keeping Rin away from him was the last thing he needed, given the killer currently on the loose. The day they'd left, a killing had taken place. Far more serious than assault, in Amaimon's opinion, but Rin disagreed with him.
He believed that the effects of assault are lasting, so it was much, much worse than death.
Amaimon tried not to move too much, and craned his neck to look down at the omega.
Of course.
Rin was fast asleep.
Amaimon smirked, but began to admire Rin without even realising.
The way the omegas lips parted, the slight blush on his cheeks, the way his lashes brushed his cheeks-
Amaimon blinked, looking around.
Surely he wasn't hearing things?

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