☆ 37 ☆

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"There's water everywhere, what made you think that was a good idea?" Rin whined, throwing another towel onto the bathroom floor.
"You know you loved it." Amaimon's arms came to rest on Rin's hips.
Rin quickly removed himself from the alphas arms with a huff, still trying to mop up the water on his floor.
"Riiin come on, don't be like that." Amaimon whined, trying again.
Rin avoided the reaching arms in favour of picking up their discarded clothes - which were now wet.
"You flooded my bathroom, idiot, do you know how long this'll take to clean up?" Rin snapped at him, before he gulped, turning away from Amaimon's confused expression, "Sorry.. I didn't mean to snap at you."
The alpha blinked at the side of Rin's head, gears in his head turning as he tried to figure out what he had done wrong.
"Are you feeling okay, angel?" Amaimon's brows knitted together in concern, scent flaring up in worry.
"I'm okay, I think I might be-" Rin was cut off by knocking, and he sighed.
"Put some clothes on, I'm answering the door." Rin grumbled, wearing his pyjamas.
He walked to the door in silence, opening it to find Mephisto, who blinked at him.
"Hello Rin, can I come in?" Rin nodded, moving out of the way.
Mephisto plopped down onto the couples bed as soon as he walked in, with there being no other place to sit except Rin's old desk.
"So what's up, you usually just appear in here." Rin questioned, tail swishing around behind him.
"Am I not allowed to check up on you two? My brother is quite the handful." Rin gave a blank face at what couldn't even be called an excuse, and Mephisto sighed.
"Okay I had to talk to you about something." The alpha sighed, and Rin looked away at the sound of movement.
Amaimon was simply wearing a towel around his waist, as he walked into the room without a care in the world.
Rin blushed, quickly rushing to grab some clothing from Amaimon's drawer.
He then shoved them into Amaimon's arms, who blinked at him.
"I told you to put clothes on, a towel doesn't count." Rin grumbled, pushing the alpha back into the bathroom and pulling the door shut.
"Alphas I swear." Rin groaned, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm still here you know."
"So basically I think... Rin is that what I think it is?" Rin blushed, seeing Amaimon's visible smirk of pride in his peripheral.
"It is, he's officially my mate." Amaimon grinned, pulling the omega into his side, and away from where he sat next to Mephisto.
Honestly, Amaimon didn't like his brother being so close to Rin.
"Okay umm, so I think Yukio might be my fated- please don't be angry Rin." Mephisto rushed his words, and Rin blinked, turning to look at Amaimon before going back to blinking at Mephisto.
"That should be interesting, I don't think he likes you all that much." Rin deadpanned, his mate barely containing a snicker, and Mephisto sighed.
"Great pep talk, but didn't you hate Amaimon before?" Rin gulped, looking at Amaimon out of the corner of his eye.
The alphas jaw had tensed, and the small smile he had held was gone. Uh oh.
"Th-That was in the past, it was ages ago."
"So you hated me then?" Amaimon decided to bring it up as they were going to bed, and Rin sighed.
"I didn't hate you, I just thought you were going to hurt my friends. It's like if someone's going to hurt me, how would you feel? What would you do?" Rin asked, watching the alphas jaw tense up again, and feeling the alphas fingernails bite into the back of his thigh.
"Ow, Amai, I'm okay, nothing's going to happen to me. It was just an example." He whispered, nuzzling into Amaimon from where he was currently being held.
"Goodnight love." He yawned, hand coming up to ruffle Amaimon's hair before deciding to wait for sleep to take him.
Amaimon hummed, nuzzling Rin's hair.
"Goodnight angel." Amaimon intertwined their tails, tightening his grip on Rin.
"And I'd probably kill them for even touching you."

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