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"Heating up"

"There are enough bubbles, right?" Amaimon mumbled, eyes wandering over Rin's back with purpose.
They were hardly there, and there were only a few, but the alphas sharp eyes caught sight of the pearly stretch marks on his omegas hips.
His hands decided to move before he could think, resting on said hips gently, and he placed a soft kiss on the shell of Rin's ear.
His mate stilled.
"You're beautiful, you know that, right?" He whispered, nuzzling the neck that held his mark.
Upon receiving no reply, he decided to continue.
"I guess if you don't, I'll have to remind you every day, and every night until you learn. Though, I'll probably carry on even when you realise I'm telling the truth." He purred, arms looping around Rin's waist gently.
He heard Rin's deep inhale, and the exhale that followed.
"Aren't you supposed to be washing my hair Amai? The water's going to get cold." He chuckled, possibly in a nervous way? Amaimon couldn't really tell.
"Huh, the water still hasn't gotten cold, that's kind of weird..." Rin muttered, leaning back onto Amaimon's chest.
Amaimon hummed, fingers splayed out on Rin's knee, other hand still resting on a hip.

He was beginning to think Rin was getting tired, so he decided to wake the omega up a bit.
He hummed in a content way, fingers pathing their way up Rin's thigh slowly, but surely.
He must have reached his omegas pelvis perhaps, before he finally received a reaction. The omegas scent strengthened, a delectable whine escaping him, going straight to Amaimon's groin.
"Amai..? Are you alright?" Rin's voice was a little slurred, but definitely awake and alert.
Amaimon sighed, nuzzling at Rin's neck, thumb rubbing little circles lightly on the omegas pelvis.
"I'm alright.. feeling a little deprived of my daily dose of affection from you though." Amaimon felt the need to spell out his point by mouthing at Rin's scent gland.
He was quite content at the shiver and the whimper that he got in return, and both his hand and nose twitched at the arousal bleeding into his mates scent.
He inhaled deeply, lightly nibbling and sucking on the sensitive gland with a new vigour.
Rin's hands came down, fingers biting into his thighs and a soft moan left the omegas lips.
Amaimon loved it.

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