☆ 12 ☆

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"So you want to... court me?" Rin raised an eyebrow at him, ghost shaped teacup in front of his face.
"Yes... But it seems my brother has other plans." Amaimon glanced around the home, tension filling his form at the very scent of Mephisto.
The home didn't smell like a mated couple, meaning that Mephisto had not scented Rin; Amaimon was glad.
He didn't think he could go back to flings with random omegas after seeing the adorable expressions Rin was capable of making.
"What do you mean? Mephisto is just helping me adjust." Rin stuck his nose up, scenting the air obviously. He found nothing odd, just Amaimon's scent lingering in the air.
Amaimon blinked at the action, finding it vaguely amusing to watch Rin act like a child. Though, he'd have to teach Rin the basics, Mephisto wasn't teaching him fast enough.
If he were Rin, he'd want to leave the house already, not be babysat by the purple haired buffoon.
Rin didn't even know how to scent the air for christ's sake, what was Mephisto doing?
"Nothing really, it's just a bit odd that he's hiding you away." Amaimon simplified his thoughts, giving the fledgling a small smile.
"He says I'm presenting, and gave me these pills. There's hardly any pain anymore." Rin said, taking a sip of the hot chocolate Amaimon had made for him.
It was a bit sweet for his tastes but he appreciated it nonetheless.
"I thought that might be it, but he must have you on scent blockers too. When did you start presenting?" The words rolled off of Amaimon's tongue and Rin felt his eyes being drawn toward the alphas mouth. It was just so inviting-
Rin shook his head, blinking at the alpha who gave him an odd look.
"Last Tuesday." He replied, placing his mug on a coaster, silently admiring the glass of the coffee table.
It was silent for a while, and Rin could basically see the cogs turning in Amaimon's brain, and the tension rolling off of the other.
"...Alright. Well, there are other things I must explain. Correct?"

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