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my art makes me say yikes oml i messed this thing up so bad :(
sorry for the long wait, i had some family stuff going on! ^^

"I could easily beat his ass."

"You know this guy?" Shiemis brows pinched together in confusion, glancing between Rin and Beelzebub. Rin narrowed his eyes at the smirking male.
"No, I don't.." He reached over to grab Shiemis hand as carefully as he could, pulling her over to him, "I just remembered I have some things to do, let's go."
"Don't come near me, my mate or my friends again. You'll regret it." Rin growled through his teeth at the alpha, before leaving in a hurry.
He didn't explain, he simply tugged Shiemi out of the cafe and didn't look back until they were down the street and surrounded by people.
Tears shone in shiemis emerald eyes, Rins vision fogging with tears at the sight, and he rushed to pull her into a hug.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He whispered softly, hand rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her down some.
"Who was that? What does he want with you? Does Amaimon know about him?" Her questions verged on morphing into one big incoherent mess, but Rin somehow decoded it.
"Beelzebub, one of the sons. He's the king of insects and I don't know what he wants." Rin sighed, stepping back from Shiemis hold on him to assess her state.
She wasn't crying, so that was a good thing. She did look distressed though...
"Does Amaimon know? He might want to take you as a mate Rin.." Rin made an unattractive groan noise, and turned to begin walking, Shiemi moving to his side immediately.
"What? It's totally possible." She defended her theory, and Rin huffed out a laugh.
"No, it's not. I have a claiming mark, I'm practically married." Rin laughed awkwardly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
"But you know those can be bitten over and renewed with another alpha right? You can only do it once if you haven't completed the bond so it's kind of like a rebound."
"I didn't know that, you're saying I should bite the broccoli head back as soon as possible aren't you?" Rin frowned at her, Shiemi frowning back.
"With that insect guy around, I think it's in your best interest to do so." Shiemi's voice trailed off, before it quietened for her to continue, "You'll regret it if you get stolen."
Rin's head twitched to nod at her, and his frown deepened.
"I don't want to hurt him though... he said my teeth aren't ready to give a clean bite."

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