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smh why do i want matching profile pictures tf??
uhhhh i don't really want to write about them explaining, i think y'all already know what they'll say..
Amaimon grunted in disapproval, glaring at the back of a pink haired boy.
Of course, as he was a demon, an 'untrustworthy' demon, he had to wait outside.
He was not allowed inside, not allowed to comfort his own mate.

It was ill-mannered and childish, and it had Amaimon seething silently in anger, just watching, waiting for someone to mess up.
He watched the pink haired boy's hand rest on Rin's shoulder, pulling him into a short hug, and Amaimon's fingernails dug into his thighs painfully.
His scent hung around him, suffocating him with his own insecurity and anger.

In his right state of mind, Amaimon probably would have known Rin's sense of smell was being clouded by the sterile scent of the hospital, and that his friend was only comforting the omega, but god, the alpha was certainly not in that state of mind.

Mephisto stared down at his brother in concern, the anger and insecurity suffocating even for an alpha as powerful as Mephisto.
He contemplated going to get Rin, but refrained from doing so, fully aware that Amaimon's instincts were messing with him.
It would not be safe, nor smart, to bring an omega to his raging alpha.
Not when they were so far away from their nest, away from the safety of the alphas territory.

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