☆ 23 ☆

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sksksksksksk i didn't realise but it's Amaimons birthday right now! ahejdjsk
Rin sighed, having finished his shower a while ago, and was now browsing a web page on his phone.
He hadn't used it much since being in Gehenna, but now it was the most interesting thing in the world.
He'd asked Shiemi for any information she could find on demon matings, and she'd linked him to this.
He growled a little in frustration at the information the device was giving him.
1, he had a lower temperature than alphas to keep him dependent. 2, he would go into heat every month or so. 3, he had to be around an alpha, preferably his mate, to keep him stable. 4, his immune system would be pretty weak.
Unless he got suppressants, which were like needles in haystacks.
Other than that mood-dampening information, he'd found out that true mates were something out of a fairytale. They existed, but were few and far between. And it seemed, Amaimon would be his. Rin didn't feel as he did for Amaimon for Mephisto, he just wasn't attracted to the purple haired clown.
Mephisto was like... a wacky uncle.. or brother of his fated.
"Rin? You okay in there?" Rin looked up to the door, before getting up and dusting himself off.
"Yeah I'm fine, sorry." Rin opened up the door, waving his phone in the air to show the culprit.
Amaimons eyes immediately locked on his hair, and Rin frowned.
had this happened before?
"Rin... can I dry your hair?" Amaimon sounded hesitant, and Rin nodded, not liking the hesitance from his fated.
He grabbed his 'dirty' clothes, before squeezing past Amaimon to wander to the washer.
He yeeted them in quickly before moving to throw himself down on Amaimons couch.
"Gonna dry my hair then, Amai?" He smiled in a spoilt way, butterflies exploding in his stomach at a simple blush on Amaimons face at the nickname.
Amaimon shook his head, chuckling. He plugged in the hair dryer before switching it on.
Amaimon was a lot better at this than Mephisto, and he combed his fingers through the omegas fluffy, dried hair in content.
Rin beamed at him in thanks, and guilt settled in Amaimons gut.
Once the hair dryer was away, the alpha plonked down onto the couch next to Rin, who had turned the tv on to watch some human channel.
Amaimon gulped before speaking his mind, "Rin I'm uh... I'm really sorry if I scared you earlier. I just- I don't like that someone told you to do something I guess? You should do what you want, not what someone else tells you to do, especially if they think they have the right to because of their status. You're you, son of fucking satan, not some dumb omega. Plus, you're my mate, you answer to no one."
Rin blinked at him, before cracking a smile as a cute blush formed on his cheeks. It even crept to his ears.
"Thanks... I think I might have needed to hear that. Being an omega suddenly, it's a lot you know." Rin laughed, before continuing, "You didn't scare me, don't worry about it. I was just a bit surprised, I didn't expect you to react like that."
Amaimon flinched, Rin's head hitting his shoulder as the omega moved to lean on him.
Amaimon expected that to go a lot worse... Though, he was kind of ecstatic. Perhaps Rin had accepted him as his mate?
what an eventful birthday .

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