☆ 33 ☆

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o wow
this is probably counted as nsfw? so umm... be warned, i suppose?
but enjoy c;

"Rin... Rin can I mark you?" Amaimon's hopeful look caused butterflies to explode in Rin's stomach, a shocked grin appearing on his face.
"Can I claim you as mine, Rin?" Rin swore his heart skipped a beat, his pulse thudding loudly in his ears.
"A-Amai.. my teeth... I don't know if I can mark you back." Rin's insecurity leaked into his scent and words, and Amaimon visibly flinched.
"I can wait until you're ready to mark me back... I just can't stand not having my teeth in your neck right now, please Rin, I've wanted to since I found out you were mine..." Amaimon's words struck something within Rin, and he scented the air without really thinking about it.

A scent he'd smelt a few times before tinged his mates cinnamon scent, growing stronger with each second.
Perhaps this was.. lust? Arousal? Amaimon did look pretty.. into it.
"O-Okay... just.."
"I would never hurt you, Rin, you know that, right?" Amaimon's brows knitted together, a concerned frown settling on his lips.
"Yes, I know." Rin's voice was barely a whisper, a
ghost of a whisper, one might say, and he whimpered in surprise as Amaimon captured his lips in a kiss.

Their teeth clacked together at the sudden movement, Amaimon's canines just barely resting on Rin's bottom lip before Rin parted his lips for the alpha.
Their tongues touched and it was like Amaimon was checking on Rin's canines, before it was over.
A small string of saliva connected their lips still, but neither made a move to break it, Amaimon was already on the move.
With a slight tremble to his fingers Amaimon gently pushed the collar of Rin's shirt out of his way, holding it there with his twitching fingers.
He surprised the omega by licking a strip from the base of Rin's neck, just above the omegas scent gland, up to below the pointed omegas ear. He savoured the choked out moan it drew from his omegas lips, his other hand going up and his thumb slipping into his omegas mouth.
He got no noise of complaint, just a soft nibble that, honestly, went straight to his groin.
"If it hurts you can bite me back."
The alpha stared down at Rin's scent gland for a few seconds, which seemed like forever, wondering if this was the right thing to do. What if he messed it up? What if Rin thought his mark was ugly?
An impatient whine brought him back to the present, and he rolled his eyes with a small smile.
He'd make sure Rin loved it.
And finally, without any doubt in his mind, Amaimon sunk his canines into the sensitive scent gland, twitching at the taste of Rin's blood and scent mixed on his tongue like a perfect cocktail.
Rin had a short moment of trembling underneath him, tongue coming up to lap at Amaimon's thumb and hands moving to clutch at the alphas hoodie.

Amaimon briefly worried he'd badly hurt Rin, eyes flickering over to the omegas face the best they could, only to find Rin had 100% just drooled.
And the glaze over his mates eyes was certainly something Amaimon wanted to see more of, and Amaimon carefully removed his teeth, tongue gliding over the wound to coat it in his saliva and ensure it would heal correctly, and hurrying up the clotting process.
Rin trembled with each lap of the alphas tongue, and Amaimon pulled away only to nuzzle Rin's hair.


After a while, they lay next to eachother, cuddling and enjoying eachother's company.
And when Amaimon realised Rin was falling asleep, he pulled his omega closer to him gently.
"Hey Rin," He whispered, breath tickling Rin's ear.
Rin simply hummed in response, and Amaimon nuzzled his hair happily.
"I love you too, you absolute blessing."

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