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As we walk onto the train platform Penny grips my hand tightly. Her other small hand clinging onto my grey coat.

"You warm enough? Now honey you have to keep this on you. Be sure and keep this on." Mrs. Pevensie told Lucy as she adjusted her coat.

Mother turned to Theo, Penny, and I with tears in her eyes. Seeing her sad made me break. I felt hot tears stream down my face as we all clung to each other.

"Be good my darlings." Mother whispered as she kissed the top of all our heads. "I love you all so much."

"I love you, mom." I sobbed into her blouse. We all pulled away with tears streaming down our cheeks.

"Please Mommy." Penny choked. "Please don't make us go. I don't wanna leave you." She cried.

Mother smiled sadly at her and kneeled down to her height.

"I'm sorry, my love." She whispered. "We'll be together again in no time."

Penny pouted. "Promise?"

Mother smiled as tears fell from her eyes. "I promise."

Sniffling, mother stood up again and pulled us all in for one last hug. "Theo, please keep them safe."

"I will." He sniffled.

Smiling she spoke one last time. "Now go." She gently pushed us towards the train along with the Pevensie's.

Penny clung to Theo as they walked in front of me.

Before heading into the train I looked back at mother to see her crying along with Mrs. Pevensie. This only made more tears fill my eyes.

Suddenly a hand gently grasped mine. I turned to see Edmund giving me a comforting, yet sad, smile.

"Come on." He whispered and pulled me to our compartment. Edmund, Susan, and I sat on one side while Peter, Theo, Penny, and Lucy sat on the other.

Edmund leaned his head against the window as the train began to move.

I gently grab his arm, push his sleeve up, and begin to trace letters onto his pale skin.


Ed turned to me and pushed my coat sleeve up as well.


I couldn't help but frown as he then turned away from me.


After maybe 2 hours we all stood on an empty platform that led to a small dirt road.

The sound of a car coming made us all perk up and run towards the road only to have the small car drive past us.

"The Professor knew we were coming." Susan stated as we all stood confused.

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled?" Edmund questioned as he read the tag on his coat.

Suddenly the sound of horse caught our attention as it stopped in front of us.

Peter glanced at all of us before turning his gaze to the lady in the carriage. "Mrs. Macready?"

"I'm afraid so." She glanced at all of us. "Is this is then? Haven't you brought anything else?"

Peter looked down at the ground. "No ma'am. It's just us." Theo spoke. We all then hopped into the carriage and made our way up to the house.

Penny slowly moved her way onto my lap as she hugged me tightly.

Eventually we found ourselves inside of probably the biggest house I've ever seen. I couldn't help but stare at the building in awe.

"The professor is unaccustomed to having children in his house, and as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will be no shouting' or running', no improper use of the dumbwaiter, NO touching of the historical artifacts" She snapped as Susan almost touched one making us all giggle quietly. "And above all, there shall be no disturbing' of the Professor."

She began to walk up the stairs and into a separate room. I, however, stayed slightly behind as I took in everything in the entryway.

As I glanced around I felt eyes practically burning into my skull. I turned to see Edmund staring at me with a frown on his face.

"Don't tell me you're okay with being here." He said as he crossed his arms.

"No, but it's not like we have a choice so we might as well deal with it." I said with a small smile.

I walked up to him and grabbed his pinky finger with mine making a slight blush appear on his face. "Come on. Let's catch up with the others." 


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the beauty of the sound / edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now