fifty one

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I let out a deep sigh before grabbing my bag off of the coat rack near the front door. I adjusted it on my shoulder before resting my hand on the handle of the door.

I turned around for a moment to see Mom, Penny, and Theo standing there, smiling.

"You've got this, sweetheart." Mom smiled brightly. I felt my eyes burn realizing that I couldn't run up and hug her, as much as I might want to.

"Thank you, Mom." I whispered and gave her a small smile. Turning my head towards Theo and Penny they smiled at me. "Will you all be with me?"

Penny gave me a toothy smile. "Every step of the way." She walked towards me and placed her ghostly hand in mine.

I opened the front door and walked out of my home. I left as if I wasn't in control of my body as I got into my car and began to drive towards Susan's home.

My hands grew damp as I pulled up to the small white house.

Taking a deep breath, I left the car.

My feet moved on their own as I neared the door. I stood there for a moment just staring at the lion head that rested in the middle of the door.

How could she forget? How could she forget our home?

A moment passed before I finally made my knuckles meet the door, the sound echoing through the quite street.

Muffled footsteps could be heard from just pass the door until it opened. Standing there was Patrick, Susan's boyfriend of 2 years. His clothes were neat and clean as always. His black hair rested slicked back upon his head and his green eyes were darker than normal.

His eyes widened upon seeing me. He let out a small gasp before pulling me into a hug.

"How are you doing, Eleanor?" He asked as he rubbed my back. A moment later we pulled away and I gave him a sad smile.

"I'm as good as can be expected, I guess." I told him while shifting my gaze down to my feet.

"I'm so sorry this happened. I cannot imagine what it must be like." He said, sadly. Sighing, he put his hands into his pockets. "Susan's been a mess. She won't eat or sleep. All she would do is stare out the front windows here." He nodded his head over to the windows near us. "I-It's almost like she waiting for them to show up here."

I looked at the windows to see Susan's pale skin and dark hair staring out. Her cheekbones are more prominent than usual. Her mouth formed an unreadable expression, and her eyes held so much sadness behind them.

"She doesn't want to believe that they're gone." I whispered as I watched her. "Can I try and speak with her?" I turned to Patrick and he gave me a small nod.

"Would you like any tea?" He asked as we walked inside.

Taking off my coat, I shook my head. "Can I be alone with her for a little while?" I asked him. He nodded and left the room.

I held my gloved hands to my chest as I turned over to Susan.

"Su?" I said gently as I slowly walked towards her. She immediately perked up and turned around towards me.

Her blue eyes met mine and they instantly filled with tears.

"Nell..." She whispered before standing up and running into my arms. Her body shook violent against mine as she cried. "They can't be gone." She cried into my shoulder. "They can't."

I could feel my eyes burn as she cried more and more into my shoulders. A few minutes later she pulled away and wiped her tears.

"Sorry." Her voice was low and strained from her sobs.

I gave her a small smile before wiping a tear away from her cheek with my thumb. "It's okay." I whispered. "Let sit down." I guided her to the couch.

It broke me to see her so broken. I missed her bright smile.

We both sat down on her soft brown couch that had been moved so it look out at the street in front of the house.

We sat in silence for a few moments, watching the cars pass by.

I cleared my throat. "Can I ask you something?" I turned towards Susan.

Her red eyes met mine and she nodded softly. "Of course."

"Do you remember Narnia?" I asked her, hesitantly.

A small smile formed upon her mouth as she turned out to the street once again. "What a fun game that was." She said. "We all have some great memories from that don't we?" She smiled a bit more as she recalled the "game".

"Yeah, we do, b-but-" I paused and placed my left gloved hand over the other. "Susan. Narnia was not a game. It was real. It was our home." Susan looked at me as if I was crazy.

She let out a small laugh. "Are you ill? Narnia was certainly not real." She said with an amused expression.

"Narnia was real. We first went through the wardrobe at the Professors house, and in that trip to Narnia we fought the White Witch. That's when you first got your bow. That's when we all became King's and Queen's. A-And that's when Edmund and I first found out about our bond. Then we went to Narnia for a second time. We met Caspian, you and him took a liking to each other. We had to help him defeat the Telmarines. That's when I got taken and whipped by Miraz." I pulled down my sweater to reveal the lone scar that I had gotten from that chilling experience.

Susan leaned forwards and looked at it. "Nell, you got that scar from a tree branch." She told me as she looked at me like I was crazy.

I stood up in frustration. "No! I didn't!" My voice rose. "Miraz whipped me in Narnia and you all only knew about it because the bond warned Edmund!" Susan stood up as well and watched my little outburst unfold with a shocked look on her face.

I looked down at my hands before pulling on my glove to reveal the dull wisps. "Look. Look at it!" I yelled. "They aren't as bright as before because Edmund is dead. Since Edmund is dead, half of myself is dead as well. He is my literal other half. He and I are bound together! You can't run from the truth, Susan." My voice went down to a low whisper as Susan stared at my hand in shock. I watched as her eyebrows touched with confusion. "Narnia is real, Su."

She kept her gaze on my hands as she expression changed entirely. She quickly cleared her throat. "I think you should go." She told me as she met my gaze again.

"What?" I asked with a confused tone.

Susan looked down and she fiddled with her fingers. "Please. Just leave." A tear escaped her eyes and fell onto the carpet.

I dropped my hand down at my side again. "O-Okay." I whispered before walking over to the door. I grabbed my coat and carefully put it on. I placed my hand on the handle and turned my head back towards Susan, who still stood in the middle of the living room. "Please remember." I whispered before opening the door and leaving her.


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this story is almost over...

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