twenty six

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The feeling of small kisses being placed on my shoulder caused me to stir in my sleep. My eyes opened to be met with bright sun shine spilling into the room from the balcony.

Another kiss was then placed on my left shoulder blade so I turned my body so I was now lying on my back.

"Morning, love." Edmund whispered softly once our gazes met. He moved his hand up to his head to support his head while he sat up a little.

I smiled. "Morning." Edmund brought his free hand to my waist, rubbing small circles on my skin. He gently pulled me closer to him.

We both just laid there staring at each other while basking in the warm sunlight. Edmund removed his hand from my waist and brought it to my cheek, caressing the soft skin.

He smiled lightly before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. When he pulled away an even wider smile rested upon his face.

I smiled. "You missed."

He laughed quietly before leaning in and connecting our lips once more. He brought his hand back to my waist to rub more random patterns on my skin.

I ran my hand up his arm and to his hair, gently running my hairs through it as we kissed.

After a minute or two we pulled away smiling.

"I'm so glad I finally get to do that." I said softly.

He kissed my forehead gently. "Me too." He smiled. "Our mom's are gonna freak out when they find out."

I laughed. "Oh no. They are gonna lose their minds." He laughed as well.

I sighed softly before turning my gaze to the ceiling. "I don't wanna leave."

Edmund moved to lay beside me, our shoulders touching and our hands intertwined.

"Aren't you excited to see your mom though?" He questioned as he ran his thumb over my knuckles.

"Of course, it's just-" I sighed. "I don't know. Ever since dad died, Finchley hasn't felt like home, but Narnia does. I-It's strange." My voice trailed off to a small whisper.

"You miss him, don't you." He asked.

I closed my eyes and pictured my father. The tall man, always in a suit, a smile on his face, always happy.

I couldn't help but think about watching him and mother dance in our living room. They both wore wide smiles. I have never seen my mother as happy as she was that day.

She could never talk about dad without wearing a smile. Then the heartbreak hit.

Dad had gotten drafted into war. I still remember the moment we all found out. Mom was so upset along with Penny and Theo, but I was furious.

I remember storming up into my room and locking myself in. I was so angry at him. I didn't open the door for anyone, not even Ed.

And then the day he left I remember he came up to my door. I remember him telling me how much he loves me, but I was too angry to say anything except "I hate you."

I didn't even say goodbye. My last words to him were in complete anger.

Then the soldiers came. Dad had fallen during battle. He died protecting a fellow soldier.

I remember all the guilt I felt. All the heartbreak. All the pain. Sometimes I still feel that pain, but everyday I still feel guilty.

I never got to say goodbye.

I opened my eyes as tears began to blur my vision but I quickly blinked them away.

"I miss him everyday." I whispered afraid that if I spoke any louder I would get choked up.

I quickly sat up and run my hands through my hair before standing up.

"Come on," I said softly as I turned to Edmund. "We should get dressed."

He smiled softly at me. "I'll meet you outside your door." He told me before giving me a quick kiss and leaving the room.

The moment the door shut I let the tears fall. Rapidly, the tears ran down my cheek.

I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

Eventually the tears stopped so I stood and changed into the violet dress that had been waiting for me.

Once the dress was on, I slipped into some silver flats, and then brushing my hair. I decided to leave my hair in its normal soft curls.

I glanced into the mirror and sighed softly before walking out the door.

The moment I left the room I was met with Ed leaning against the wall next to it.

"Hey," He began and then went wide-eyed. "You look beautiful."

I smiled gently before kissing the boys cheek. "Thank you Eddie."

He smirked at me. "You missed."

I scoffed playfully. "Using my own joke against me now? Really?" I laughed before leaning in and giving him a soft kiss.

"There they are!" I heard Penny yell from down the hall cause Ed and I to break apart. "Oops. Did we interrupt something?" She smiled at me as she and Lucy walked down the hallway to us.

"Oh shut it." I laughed before moving to Penny and wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we walked outside.

"I'm so happy you guys are finally together." She smiled up at me. I turned around to look at Edmund who walked beside Lucy a few feet away.

"Yeah," I turned back to Penny. "Me too."


not edited <3

i know this chapter is fairly short but you all got to find out more about Nell's dad

i literally cried writing about it.

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