fifty four

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It has only been about a week since Alice left with Polly but everyday left like years. I spent everyday waiting around, wondering if today was the day that I finally go back, but it never was.

I was currently out in the city. I had no certain place I was going, I just needed to leave the apartment.

I walked through a park that I had come by. I smiled as I saw children play while their parents watched from a far. I couldn't help but miss Alice as I heard the children laughing.

I then saw a couple holding hands as they walked. They both smiled at each other, their faces practically overflowing with love.

My heart ached as Edmund flashed in my mind. Every since Alice felt that light had gone away and the dark cloud came back. Nothingness pooled in my veins making everything so dull.

After walking a bit more I came across and crosswalk. I began to walk across it until everything seem to go into slow motion.

I heard someone yell before I look over to my left to see bright light getting closer and closer with every second until they finally caressed my skin.


I felt pressure against my chest until everything went black. I felt as if I was falling backwards until eventually my eyes shut.

I felt as if I had been asleep and was only now waking up. My back met something soft. I left out a soft grunt as I fiddled with the soft grass in my hands.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see light. I began to blink rapidly before I could finally see my surroundings.

I saw the bright blue sky that I had known so well. Sitting up slowly, I looked down to see that I was dressed in my favorite red dress from Narnia. It was covered in red lace and it went down to my wrists.

I instantly began to smile.

I could feel it.

I was finally home.

I heard footsteps behind me so I quickly stood up and turned around. I gasped softly when I saw Mom, Theo, and Penny all standing there.

My vision blurred as I ran to them. They instantly wrapped their arms around me.

"Oh my god." I cried.

"We've missed you so much, sweetheart." Mom said. I could hear that she was now crying.

We all pulled away. "I've missed you most." Penny laughed as she cried softly.

Theo looked down at her. "We've all missed her."

I looked to the left to see Lucy, Peter, Susan, and Eustace standing there. I smiled widely and ran to them. They immediately embraced me.

When we pulled away they all had tears in their eyes. "I cannot believe you're finally here." Lucy said with a wide smile.

Susan squeezed my hand. "Thank you, so much for helping me. I owe you so much." She smiled at me. I shook my head.

"It's okay, Susan. You don't owe me anything, it was the least I could do." I said and she smiled at me.

"We've all missed you so so much." Peter smiled at me as he rubbed my shoulder. Mom, Penny, and Theo came up to us as well.

"Especially your father." Mom said and I instantly turned around to face her.

"Dad?" I asked and they all smiled. I look behind Mom to see that man that had become a distant memory in my mind. So many emotion came out as I met his warm brown eyes.

"Hi, Nell's." He smiled as his eyes filled with tears. I quickly ran up to him and flung my arms around his shoulders. He laughed into my hair. "I've missed you so much." We pulled away enough to see each other's faces. "You've grown so much." A tear streamed down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry about everything." I cried.

He gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"My last words to you were I hate you b-but I didn't mean it. I love you so much, Dad." I choked on sobs as I spoke.

He smiled at me and wiped away my tears. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. I love you so much." I smiled at him. He then removed his arms from around me. "Well, we better not keep him waiting anymore." He wiped away the last of his tears and let out a small laugh. He looked behind me and smiled brightly.

I quickly turned around and there he stood. My other half. My soulmate. My everything. Waiting for me. I barely noticed that he stood in front of the apple tree from our garden.

He wore a bright smile and watery eyes along with a red tunic and tan pants.

"Eddie." I whispered. I held my stomach as sobs escaped my lips. I looked down at his hands to see the golden wisps there, bright as ever. I looked down at my own to see them bright and full of life.

He smiled and then we both began to run.

The moment our bodies collided I saw a bright light surround us. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders while he tightly had his around my waist.

He laughed a bit and lifted me off the ground, making us the same height. I continued to cry as he held me tightly.

I had craved his touch for so long. I had craved everything about him.

After a few moments full of tears and a little bit of laughter, Edmund put me back on the ground but he kept his arms around me.

We pulled away just enough to see our faces. He smiled brightly through the tears present on his face.

"I've missed you so much, Nellie." He smiled as he brought his hands up to caress my cheeks. I moved one of my hands to rest on his.

"I've missed you too." More tears fell down my cheeks. "It was so hard without you. I felt like an I couldn't feel you. Our bond, i-it just wasn't there." Edmund kissed away a tear that rested on my cheek.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hated it. Seeing you in so much pain broke me in more ways than I ever thought possible." He said while a few more tears streamed down his cheek.

"Please never leave me again." I whispered.

"Never again." He smiled. "I love you so much." He whispered softly.

I smiled. "I love you more."

Edmund laughed and shook his head. He slowly leaned in closer to me. "That's not possible, Beesly." Then his lips met mine and I finally felt whole again.

As his lips moved with mine I knew that from here on out everything would be okay. We would finally get our happy ending.

We had finally found each other again. I was finally in the arms of my soulmate and I would never lose him again.

Everyday we would cherish each other and love each other.

Until the end of time.


not edited <3

i am sobbing.

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