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Edmund and I sat on the floor of the sleigh next to the Witches feet. I could feel an intense amount of nervousness as we rode through the snow.

Edmund gently grabbed my arm without Jadis noticing.


I turned to Edmund and gave him a slight smile. As angry as I was before at Edmund I couldn't stay mad at him. Jadis manipulated him and I could see that now.


He traced the letter gently onto my skin. I gently grabbed his arm and traced my reply.


He smiled slightly at me before hooking our pinky's. Luckily Jadis didn't notice cause who knows what she might have done if she noticed it.

After what felt like forever the sleigh came to a hault. The small dwarf then dragged us both out of the sleigh not even caring if he hurt us. We then came up to a small grassy area that overlooked the now mostly melted river.

"It's so warm out." The dwarf said as he began to take off his jacket. The Witch glared at him coldly. She seemed very angry that the snowy weather was beginning to end. "I'll go check the sleigh." The dwarf said before walking away.

I looked down at the river. I knew that Theo, Penny, Susan, Peter, and Lucy had been here. I could only hope that they are okay.

"We found the traitor." One of the wolves came up with a fox in his mouth before dropping the poor fox to the floor.

"Nice of you to drop by. I understand you were so helpful to my wolves last night." Jadis said smugly.

"Forgive me your majesties." The small fox said keeping his head down.

The Witch scoffed. "Don't waste my time with flattery." She snapped.

The fox looked up. "Not to seem rude but I wasn't actually talking to you." The small fox then look at Edmund and I.

My eyes widened. Did he just called us majesties? Why would he call us that?

I turned to Edmund and we shared a confused look before looking back at the fox.

The Witch looked at us before turning back to the fox. "Tell me. Where is Aslan!" She yelled at the poor creature, but when he didn't say anything she began to raise her wand but before she could strike him Edmund stepped infront of him.

"No! Wait! The Beavers said something about the Stone Table and that Aslan had an army there!" He said quickly. I felt disappointed that he told her such information but I know he didn't mean any harm. He just wanted to save that poor creature.

Jadis smiled. "Thank you Edmund. At least this creature got to see some honesty before he died." She then pointed her staff at the poor fox, turning him into stone.

"NO!" Edmund and I both shouted.

Jadis then turned to me and slapped my hard across the face.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Edmund yelled as he moved in front of me only to end up getting slapped too.

"Think about who's side your on Edmund, Eleanor." She grabbed our cheeks. "Mine, or their's." She pointed our faces towards that poor creature who was now frozen with a painful look on his face. She roughly released our cheeks and I felt hot tears stream down my face.

I looked at Edmund to see that he always was crying.

Jadis then dragged us back to the sleigh.

This lady is pure evil.


We rode in the sleigh for another hour before we were dragged out again and then tied to a tree. Edmund and I sat side by side as I took in everything.

All around us there were terrifying creature, many of them holding crazy weaponry. I couldn't help but tremble at the sight. Edmund noticed and secretly hooked out pinky's once again.

The small gesture was enough to help calm me down, but I could still feel the major amounts of fear trickling down my spine sending shivers throughout my entire body.

After a little while of sitting uncomfortably the small dwarf came over and began to taunt us.

I could almost feel steam coming out of my ears, I wanted nothing more then to slap this dumb dwarf.

However before he could taunt us anymore hooves could be heard from far away. And then suddenly a centaur appeared in front of us and cut the ropes that held us to the tree.

"Hold on, your majesties." He said and then helped us get on him. I sat behind Edmund and quickly wrapped my arms around his waist so I would not fall off the creature.

"Where are you taking us?" Edmund asked the centaur.

"To Aslan," He replied as his hooves slapped into the ground beneath us. "Where you two will be safe."

Edmund turned to me and gave me a relieved smile to which I returned.

I couldn't help but feel excited. I finally get to see everyone else again.


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