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"Nellie." Edmund whispered as he gently shook me awake from my peacefully sleep. I opened my eyes to be met with Ed's eyes. "Come on, Lucy and Peter aren't here."

I quickly sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

I looked to see Susan grabbing her bow and arrows before running off. I quickly grabbed my sword and Edmund's hand before following her.

"Peter!" Susan yelled as he came into view.

Peter stood with a rock in his hand around to hit the man in front of him.

The dark haired boy before Peter looked down at his sword. "High King Peter?" He questioned.

"I believe you called?" Peter smirked. I felt a small hand grab mine. I turned to see Penny looking fairly frightened so I pulled her close to me.

"Well, yes, b-but I thought you'd be older." The boy said.

Peter began to move away. "Well if you'd like we could come back in a couple of years." I heard Edmund scoff quietly from beside me so I hooked our pinky's in a comforting manner.

"No!" The boy began. "You're just not what I was expecting." He began to look at all of us. He made eye contact with me a smiled lightly. Edmund must've noticed this cause he quickly wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. I turned to Edmund to see him glaring slightly at Caspian.

I laughed quietly and then turned my gaze back to Caspian to see him staring at Susan, causing me to smirk at her.

Peter and Caspian began to talk a bit more before we all decided to head to Aslan's How.

"I must say it is an honor to finally meet The Bonded Two." I heard a small voice say from beside me. I looked down to see the small mouse from before.

I smiled. "It's an honor to meet such a noble mouse like you, sir." He smiled at me.

"Oh please, call me Reepicheep." He spoke and then gave a small bow. "Now if you'll excuse me I must go check on Trufflehunter." I smiled and said my goodbye before the small mouse ran to the from of the line.

"He seems nice." I said to Edmund, who stood beside me.

Edmund laughed a bit. "Yeah, but I wouldn't want to cross him."

I laughed. "Yeah, you'd get your arse kicked." I turned to Ed to see him gawking at me in disbelief.

"Woah, woah!" He began with a small laugh. "I could totally beat him. I only said I wouldn't want to cross him because I wouldn't want to hurt such a small creature."

I tried my hardest to hold back my laughter. "Oh yeah. I'm sure that's what you meant."

Edmund playfully glared at me. "You wound me, you know that?" He placed a hand over his heart and acted like he was actually injured.

"You are so strange, Edmund Pevensie." I laughed at him. He glared playfully at me once again.

"Oh you're gonna get it now." He smirked. My eyebrows met in confusion. Edmund quickly threw me other his shoulder.

"Edmund!" I yelled.

"Say you're sorry and I'll let you down." He said in a very amused tone.

I looked up to see Lucy and Penny walking right behind us. They both had wide smiles on their faces as they watched Ed and I.

"Never!" I laughed.

Edmund adjusted my body on his shoulder. "Alright then I'm not letting you go."

I just smiled and lifted my head up to look at Penny and Lucy again.

"Little does he know he's just helping me rest my feet." I whispered to them.

Edmund laughed. "I can hear you!"

I laughed more. "So are you gonna let me down now?" I asked him.

"Nope!" He said popping the "p". "If your feet are hurting then I'll gladly help you rest them."

"My hero." I smiled. We kept walking for a bit until Edmund moved me. "Edmund? What are you doing?" I questioned.

He moved me so that he was now carrying me bridal style. I met his eyes and he shrugged.

"I figured this would be more comfortable for you." He said.

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Eddie."

We continued to walked for another 30 minutes before we came to the How.

Edmund, reluctantly, let me out of his arms so that we all could walk into the How. Centaurs lined the edge of the walk way, holding swords up. I smiled as we all walked into the How.

Once inside the How we saw the stone table that Aslan had died on for Edmund and I. I shivered at the thought. Edmund must've noticed this because he wrapped his arms around me.

We all looked up and saw a beautiful carving of Aslan. I smiled upon seeing the lion that I cared about so dearly.

Lucy and Penny walked up to the Stone Table and gently placed their hands on it.

"He must know what he's doing." Lucy said with a sad look on his face.

We all looked at each other.

"I-I think it's up to us now." Peter said. "Caspian, go gather everyone up. We need to figure out what to do."

Caspian nodded and then left the How. I walked over to a small ledge and sat down on it.

I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my fingers. I saw Edmund sit down beside me and grab my hand.

"Everything will be alright." He smiled at me.

I smiled slightly. "I-I know, I'm just afraid that's all." He wrapped an arm around me and pulled my side into his. I rested my head on his shoulder as I held onto his hand tightly.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you." He whispered into my hair before kissing my head lightly. I laced our fingers together and then brought his hand up to my lips, pressing a small kiss onto it.

"I know, Eddie. I know."


not edited <3

they make me so soft oml I can't even

the beauty of the sound / edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now