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 When we finally got to land we all got out and helped to pull the boat onto shore.

"Hello there!" I heard Lucy say causing me to turn in her direction. She and Penny were walking towards a bear.

The bear growled. "It's alright, Mr. Bear, we're friends!" Penny giggled. Something wasn't right. I gripped the handle of my sword tightly.

Then the bear began to run towards both of them. I felt my blood run cold as I quickly unsheathed my sword and ran towards them.

"Get away from her!" I heard Susan say from behind me.

Lucy and Penny tripped and they fell onto their backs. I heard Penny scream so I quickly ran in front of them and stabbed the bear right before it was about to strike.

As I watched the bear fall to the ground I couldn't help but feel horrible. When we were in Narnia all the bears, and other animals, were our friends. I felt as if I had killed a friend.

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Theo asked from behind me as I just stared at the now deceased bear.

"I suppose he was hungry." Trumpkin said. I completely zoned out of the rest of their conversation. I felt as though I was drowning in guilt.

I winced when I saw Trumpkin cut into the bear.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. "Hey, Nell? Are you okay?" Edmund asked me.

I turned to met his gaze. Taking a deep breath, I shook my hands. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered before following after the others, who began to walk into the woods, leaving a confused and concerned Edmund behind.

I stood beside Penny as we made our way through the woods. Peter and Theo were in the front trying to figure out where to go while Edmund and Trumpkin stood in the back.

"Nell?" I heard Penny say as she grabbed my hand. "Are you okay?"

I looked down at her and gave her a small smile. "I'm fine, Pen. You don't have to worry about me."

She gave me a tooth smile and then went back to talking with Lucy.

"I don't remember this way." Susan said.

Peter looked back at us. "That's the problem with girls. They can't carry a map in their heads."

Lucy laughed. "That's because our heads have something in them." We all laughed. I looked at Lucy and gave her thumbs up.

I decided to wait back so I could walk beside Ed.

He gave me a concerned look since I had been acting strange.

I hooked my pinky with his and gave him a small smile. "I'm fine, Eddie. I was just upset about the whole bear situation."

He squeezed my pinky tightly. "I get it. I'm just glad you're okay." He smiled at me.

I heard Trumpkin laughed quietly from beside us.

Ed turned to him and gave him a confused look. "What?" He asked.

Trumpkin shook his head. "When will you two realize." He muttered before walking in front of us.

Eddie and I shared a confused look before catching up with everyone else.

"I'm not lost." I heard Peter say as he stood upon a fairly large rock. I looked around and I didn't recognize anything.

"No, you're just going the wrong way." Trumpkin replied, his voice laced with annoyance.

Peter began to argue more with the dwarf before we continued on.

"I wish he would just listen to him." Edmund said.

"Yeah me too. I wish he would stop feeling like he has to be the one in control." I replied. Luckily we were far enough behind that no one else could hear us.

"He should just listen to Trumpkin because we've obviously been gone along time so he probably knows more than Peter." Edmund ranted. I could feel him getting more and more annoyed.

I stopped walking and turned to Edmund. "Hey," I placed my hand on his cheek. "Calm down. It'll be alright." He leaned into my touch. Once I felt him calm down a bit I removed my hand from his cheek.

"Come on." I whispered after we stared at each other for a moment. "W-We should probably catch up with the others."

Edmund blinked rapidly. "U-Uh yeah. Come on." He squeezed my pinky and we lightly jogged to catch up with everyone else.


After a bit we found ourselves at what use to be the river.

Susan said some smart remark explaining what must've happened causing Peter to tell her to shut up.

We all looked around for any way to get across.

"Aslan?" Penny and Lucy both said. We all looked towards the two young girls. "It's Aslan! Don't you see he's right-" Lucy exclaimed as she pointed. "There." she finished. We all looked to where she was pointing and there was nothing.

Peter and Lucy talked for a bit since he doubted her.

"The last time I didn't believe Lucy," Edmund began from beside me. "I-I ended up looking pretty stupid."

I gave him a wide smile before grabbing his hand and lacing our fingers together. Ever since the White Witch showed her true colors to Edmund I know he regretted everything he did. His betrayal is something that had been eating at him for years, and it probably still is, but he doesn't feel as much guilt now.

Peter turned to Lucy and spoke to her again. I didn't pay attention to what he was saying because I was too busy admiring Edmund. I was admiring how much he has grown over the time I've known him. He was no longer that stubborn and slightly annoying 14 year old boy. He's now an incredibly mature and wise 16 year old. I couldn't help but even think about how much more attractive he had gotten.

"You're staring." Edmund whispered with a cocky smirk on his face.

He met my gaze. My cheeks practically lit on fire when our eyes met.

"W-What! No I-I wasn't." I stuttered. I noticed everyone begin to walk away from the river.

He laughed quietly before moving closer to my ear. "It's okay, I stare at you sometimes too." He then began to walk behind Lucy.

"You are so in love with him." I turned to see Penny smiling at me.

I looked back to where Edmund was walking. "Yeah, I am."


I'm not gonna lie I really liked how I ended this chapter because ELEANOR FINALLY ADMITTED THAT SHE"S IN LOVE WITH EDDIE!!! I'm so excited oml! 

not edited <3

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