forty eight

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"Nellie." Edmund whispered as he gently kissed my shoulder causing me to stir in my sleep. I turned around to see him fully dressed.

I gave him a confused look. "Are you going somewhere?"

He smiled at me before gently kissing my lips. "Peter, Lucy, Theo, Penny, and our mom's were wanting to meet up for a bit, you wanna come?"

I yawned before burying my head in the pillows again.

Edmund let out a laugh. "I assume that's a no?"

I brought my head up from the pillows and smiled at him through my hair, which had fallen all over my face.

"I'll just stay here." I told him. He gave me a small smile.

"Okay." He kissed me once again. "I made you breakfast." I immediately shot out of bed and over to the counter where I saw a plate of eggs and toast waiting for me. "Yeah, I knew that would get you up."

I turned around to him and smiled more. "Thank you." Edmund smiled at me.

He then looked down at his watch. "Damn it, I gotta go. I don't wanna miss the train." He said with a sigh.

I nodded before kissing him once more, this time Edmund refused to let go. "Eddie!" I laughed against his lips. "You gotta go!"

Edmund let out a loud, exaggerated sigh. "Okay fine." He smiled at me. "I love you!" He yelled as he walked over to the door.

I let out a small laugh. "I love you more!" I yelled back even though he wasn't that far from me.

Edmund opened the door and walked out it before sticking his head back in. "Not possible." He winked at me and then he was gone.

I smiled down at my feet before walking over to the counter. I let out a sigh of content as I sat down and began to eat my eggs.

As I ate I looked up to see that Edmund had pinned that picture Alice drew up on the window. Today was only Saturday so I wouldn't be able to see Alice for a little while. I could only hope that she was okay. I smiled sadly at the picture before finishing my eggs.

Once I was finished eating I washed my plate and poured myself some coffee that Edmund had made of me.

I grabbed my mug of coffee and walked over to the flowers that rested on the windowsill near our bed.

I smiled as I gently ran my fingers over the various petals. I took a sip of my coffee before looking down at the busy street bellow. I watched as people walked through the streets not caring about anything but themselves.

I took a deep breath and walked away from the window and over to Alice's picture.

I ran my eyes over where her pencil had been on the paper. Please let her be okay.

Taking another deep breath, I walked over to the counter.

Suddenly I felt like I had been hit by something fast. I gasped immediately as the wave washed over me before it vanished.

I felt nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

I felt as if nothing had meaning.

I felt wrong.

I dropped my mug before collapsing onto my knees. I was now screaming as violent sobs ripped from my mouth. Not from the pain of the broken pieces of the glass mug embedding themselves into my skin, for I couldn't even feel that, but because I knew.

I knew something that I never wanted to be a reality.

Something that would destroy me.

I knew my worst nightmare had come true.

Edmund Pevensie is dead.


not edited

i'm so sorry.

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