thirty nine

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That night I laid beside Edmund and Caspian as we all watched the stars.

"I've never seen these constellations before." Edmund whispered, keeping his gaze on the stars.

"Me either, we're a long way from home." Caspian said. "When I was a boy I use to imagine sailing to the end of the world, finding my father there."

"Maybe you will." Edmund said.

We got quiet for a moment before I spoke. "I hope to one day see my father again too." Edmund gently laced our fingers together. "I like to think that maybe he's in Aslan's Country, waiting for my family and I." I smiled up at the sky.

"What was your father like?" Caspian asked.

I smiled more. "He was everything you could ever want in a father. He was funny, smart, caring. He's the reason I am who I am. He was amazing." my smile faded as I talked. "There's so much I wanna say to him." I whispered to the sky.

Caspian turned to me and smiled. "I hope you get to see him again, one day."

"Thanks, Cas." I gave him a small smile before turning back to the starry sky before slowly falling asleep.

However, at some point in the night I woke up to the sound of crying. I looked over to see Edmund peacefully asleep along with everyone else, except Eustace.

I quietly stood up before walking to him. As I got closer I saw tears falling from his eyes. "Can't sleep?" I asked. He didn't even look at me before moving his head away.

"There's no reason to cry, Eustace, we'll find a way to change you back." I smiled at him. I saw his eyes move in my direction. "Aslan will help us. I promise."

He looked at me and I could've sworn I saw him smile.

"I'll stay up with you if you wish." I told him. He gently moved his head, giving me a small nod.

I then sat down next to his head and pulled my legs to my chest.

"You know," I said leaning in closer to him. "I don't think you're all that bad." He gave me a small smile. "And I'd say you make a pretty good dragon."

He let out a small huff. "We all face challenges throughout our lives, but they all help us become stronger." I told him. "And I know you may think Edmund hates you but he doesn't. With our bond I can feel his emotions and when we thought you were dead, he was genuinely upset."

Eustace moved his head more towards me and I could tell he was listening to me.

"You guys are family. You can't hate each other." I let out a small sigh before turning my head to look at the ocean. "There are so many ways we could've died before today, and there are many ways we could die before tomorrow but we have to fight. We fight for every second we get to spend with the people we love, because you never know what moment will be your last."

Eustace smiled at me as I turned my head back to look at him.

"Mind if I join you both?" Reepicheep said as he walked towards us.

I turned to Eustace, who nodded, before looking back at Reep. "Of course." He gave me a smile before coming to sit down in front of Eustace and I.

"You know," Reepicheep began as he looked towards Eustace. "Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people. I believe that this is a sign." I smiled at Reep for helping comfort Eustace.

"You must have an extraordinary destiny." I told Eustace.

"I could tell you both one or two of my adventure's if you like." Reep smiled at us. "You know, to help pass the time." Eustace and I shared a glance before he laid his head down near Reep. I too then moved to lay down on my stomach while supporting my head with my hands. "You know, Eustace, you actually aren't the first dragon I've met."

Reepicheep continued to explain his story to us before we all eventually fell into a peaceful sleep.


"Everybody!" Lucy yelled causing me to slowly wake up. "It's the blue star!"

I lifted my head off the ground, yawning, and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I watched as Reepicheep tapped Eustace on the nose, trying to wake him up, before letting out a small laugh.

I looked over at Edmund to see him panicking when he noticed I was beside me. I let out a laugh and he looked towards me and he calmed down.

I gave him a small wave along with a smile before standing up. I turned to Eustace and placed my hand on his nose.

"Don't forget what I told you last night." I smiled at him and he smiled too. I then removed my hand and walked over to Edmund.

"Why were you over there?" He asked once I came near him.

"I woke up to see Eustace crying so I went to comfort him." I told him and he smiled at me.

"You're a very nice person you know that?" He told me.

I smirked playfully before flipping my hair over my shoulder. "I know, it's a gift." I laughed along with Ed before we all headed over to the boat.

After 10 minutes of rowing we were finally back at the boat. The moment everyone was on board we began to sail in the direction of the blue star.


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i absolutely love eustace so i had to add this cute lil moment with him

the beauty of the sound / edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now