forty four

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By the end of the week Edmund and I were fully moved into our apartment. I smiled once we finally unpacked the final box of our stuff.

"Finally." Edmund laughed as he fell onto our bed. I laughed before falling on top of him. Edmund quickly wrapped his arm around my waist as he smiled at me. "Hi."

I smiled at him and let out a small laugh. "Hi, Eddie." He laughed quietly as I gently pressed my lips to his cheek before meeting his gaze again.

I gently moved off of his chest a little so only half of my body rested on his. Ed kept one of his arms on my waist while the other played with my hair as I rested my head on his chest.

I sighed in content as I listened to his heart beat underneath me. The heartbeat of my everything. I smiled softly into his chest as he breathed slowly.

"When do you hear back from the library?" Edmund asked as he gently massaged my scalp.

About a week ago, I had applied for a job at the library to help teach young children basic learning skills. Recently, I had become interested in teaching little kids so the moment I heard they were looking for people to do so I applied for the job.

"I don't know, hopefully soon." I said as I traced patterns onto Ed's clothed chest.

"You're gonna get the job, you know that right?" He said as he rubbed my hip.

I moved my head up to look at him. "You don't know that." Edmund looked at me and let out a small laugh.

"Are you kidding me? You are perfect for the job, they'd be crazy not to hire you." He smiled. I laughed gently before pressing my lips to Edmund's.

We stayed like that for a moment before pulling away. I sat up and dangled my legs off the edge of the bed.

"When are you gonna enlist?" I asked Edmund while I fiddled with my hands.

Edmund sat up and then rested his legs next to mine. "I'm not going to."

My eyes widened as I then turned to me. "What? But I thought-"

Edmund cut me off. "I thought about it and I don't want to anymore."

I sighed before standing up and rubbing my arm softly. "Is it because of what I said?" I kept my gaze down.

"No, it's not." He said before standing up as well.

"But Lucy told me how much you wanted to do it-"

"Well I changed my mind." Edmund said as he walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.

"Edmund it's not a big deal you can do it if you want!" I said as my voice gradually got louder.

Edmund sigh as he set his cup down. "I'm not doing it!" His voiced slowly became loud as well.

"I just don't want you to not do it because of me!" I yelled as I felt my eyes begin to burn.

Edmund leaned on the counter. "I'm not doing it because of me, alright!" He yelled back.

I walked closer to him. "But what if you regret it in the future and then resent me for it?" I said loudly.

Edmund's head shot up quickly. "Resent you?"

"I'm afraid that maybe I'm not enough for you!" I yelled as my vision began to blur.

Edmund walked up to me and cupped my cheeks and moved my head up so I met his gaze. "Don't tell me you really think that." He whispered.

I shrugged before looking down at my feet.

"Nellie." He whispered softly before he gently wiped away one of my tears. He sighed softly before walking over to his nightstand and pulling something out of it. He walked back over to me with a small book in his hands. "I was gonna wait until later to do this, but I think now is a good time. Here." He handed me the small book.

I gently ran my finger over the cover. My Nellie. It said. I met Edmund gaze and he nodded for me to open it.

More tears streamed down my cheeks as I read each page. Every since page was filled with a different reason as to why he loves me.

Her laugh. Her smile. The way she knows me better than anyone. The way she holds me when I need her. The way she gently places kisses on my jaw before we fall asleep. The list continued on for at least one hundred pages.

Tears streamed down my cheeks rapidly as I looked up at Edmund. "Eleanor Renae Beesly. You are everything to me. I can't live without you." He whispered as his eyes began to get filled with tears. "How could you ever think that you aren't enough for me? You are everything I think about. I love you more than anything else in my entire existence. And that's why," He pulled a small box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. I gasped softly as more tears ran down my face. "You are the reason I am who I am. You are the reason I get out of bed every morning. I can't live my life without you, so will you marry me, Beesly?" He smiled up at me.

I continued to cry more but this time they were happy tears. I smiled at him. "Yes!" Edmund smiled before standing up and lifting me off of my feet, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. As a moment Edmund set me back down on the floor.

We both pulled away slightly, just enough to see each other's faces. Edmund smiled widely as he carefully took out the small diamond ring of the box and slipped it on my ring finger.

I brought my hands up to his cheeks and pulled his lips to mine. Edmund wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his waist. We eventually pulled away but we kept our foreheads touching.

"I love you." He laughed softly as he gently squeezed my hips.

I smiled at him. "I love you more." 


not edited <3


i'm so excited. i have so much more planned for this book so get ready!!

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