thirty seven

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 The next few weeks we were stuck in a constant storm. We were all having to help when sailing through all the horrible waves.

Edmund and I we currently below the deck with a few other crew members trying to get the water out.

"Ed!" I yelled over the loud sounds of waves crashing into the boat. He turned to me so I handed him the bucket full of water that I had been holding.

We continued on for at least 3 hours until my arms felt like jelly.

Walking back to my room I struggled to walk in a straight line since the boat was constantly moving.

My clothes were heavy and wet against my skin. My shoes were flooded with water, making me cringe every time I took a step.

The moment I walked into the room I practically ripped my boats off before the rest of my clothes followed.

I quickly changed into my light purple nightgown before practically falling into the bed.

I scooted over to the far side, near the wall, that way Edmund could easily get into bed when he decided to rest.

The moment I got settled I fell asleep.


"Nells." Whispered a voice I thought I'd never hear again. "Oh my little Nells." I turned around to see my father standing before me in a clean suit.

"Dad." I whispered before running to him. However, the moment I was gonna collide with him he vanished.

"Why did you say it?" He said, this time from behind me. I felt my eyes burn when I understood what he was asking. "Do you really hate me?"

My vision began to blur. "N-No, I-I didn't mean it. I love you!" Tears fell from my eyes.

He smirked at me. "That's too bad, because you'll never get to tell me. I'm dead and the last thing I remember about my little girl is her screaming at me, telling me how much she hates me." He walked towards me. "I should hate you. No, No. I do hate you." He smiled before all the sudden bullets collided with his chest and he fell to his knees.

"No!" I screamed as I cried more. I watched as blood began to escape from his mouth.

"I hate you." He said before completely collapsing.

I couldn't move. All I could do is scream.

"Nellie!" A voice yelled.

"Nellie!" I woke up screamed while I thrashing around on the bed. "Nellie! Calm down! It's okay. You're okay!" I stopped screaming and moving when I realized I was with Edmund.

I look up at him through my teary gaze. "H-He hates me." I cried more.

"Come here, love." Edmund said softly before pulling me into his chest while he rubbing my back.

I cried continuously into his white shirt, making it a soft gray in the places my tears fell.

"He hates me. He hates me. He hates me." I whispered over and over again into his chest.

Edmund pulled away, enough to see my face while still holding me.

"Who hates you?" He asked before bringing his thumb up to my cheek to wipe away some of the tears.

I looked down at my hands while the fiddled with the small tassels on his shirt. "My dad."

Edmund caressed my cheek. "Oh, Nell, he doesn't hate you. He loved you so much."

More tears escaped my eyes. "No, he said so himself in my dream. He hates me."

"Hey," He placed his fingers under my chin, lifting it up so my eyes met his. "It was just a dream. Something's playing with our minds. I had a horrible dream too."

I stared into his eyes to see that they were red and slightly puffy. He must've been crying.

"What was it about?" I asked him with a small sniffle.

He laid down on his back and stared up at the ceiling.

"In my dream I had sided with Jadis, and you were there, telling me how you could never love me. I couldn't feel you. It was like our bond didn't exist." He paused, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath before continuing. "A-And you looked at me with such hatred." His voice trailed off to a whisper. He looked his eyes to reveal that they were now full of tears.

"Hey," I said before scooting closer to him. "Like you said, i-it was just a dream. You know why?" He turned his head towards me as a few tears slipped down his face. I placed my hand on his cheek and wiped them away as they came. "Because I love you and that will never change." I whispered.

He placed his hand on my hand that still rested on his cheek. He gently ran his thumb over my knuckles.

He moved his head a little and kissed my palm before letting out a small sniffle.

I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He wasted no time before kissing back. He lips moved desperately against mine as if he was drowning and I was his oxygen.

He moved us so he was now above me. He kept one hand on my waist while the other cupped my cheek.

I kept one hand on his shoulders, gently pulling him closer to me, while the other moved through his hair.

After a few minutes, Edmund moved his lips away from mine and to my jawline, where he began to leave small kisses.

I moved my head up and placed a small kiss in the crook of his neck before we both pulled away, still slightly breathless.

Ed rested his forehead against mine. "I love you so much." He whispered.

I moved my forehead away from his and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I know. We are bonded together after all." Ed let out a small laugh scooting down and laying his head on my chest.

"You ruined the moment, Beesly." He laughed. He then wrapped his arms around my torso, holding me tightly while I placed one hand on his back and the other stayed in his hair.

I began to gently massage his scalp, earning a soft moan from Ed.

"Is this okay?" I asked looking down at him.

He nodded into my chest before kissing my stomach. "I don't know if I even want to fall asleep again." He sighed deeply.

I continued to massage his scalp. "Me too, I don't want to go through a dream like that again. Let's just talk."

Edmund moved his head so he could see me. "What should we talk about?" He asked.

I let out a small laugh. "Oh I know." Ed gave me an amused look. "My mom told me that when we were 4 you put flowers in my hair and told her you were preparing me for our future wedding."

I felt Ed smile into my chest. "I remember that."

I looked at him. "You do? Cause I don't." I laughed.

Ed looked at me again. "It's funny. It's like even then I knew that I was gonna marry you." He smiled.

"You really think you're gonna marry me?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Of course. Even before we found out about the bond, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

I smiled at him. "Me too." He smiled before resting his head back on my chest.

And we stayed like that, all night long. Just talking and being with each other.


not edited <3 

they are so in love it hurts me.

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