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After a few more hours and more arguing we finally got past the gorge. We all were able to eat some food Peter and Theo had gotten.

Once night had fallen we all decided to try and sleep. As much as I tried and tried I couldn't get sleep to come.

I huffed in frustration as I turned to lay on my back. I rested my right hand on my chest while I gazed up at the stars.

As I watched the twinkling stars above I heard Lucy and Susan talk. I decided to give them some privacy and not to pay attention to their conversation.

My gaze shifted between all the different constellation that rested above me. I watched as they shined brightly compared to the midnight black sky behind them.

I heard Edmund shift from beside me though I chose to ignore it.

"Can't sleep?" He whispered beside me as he gently grabbed my hand.

I turned to see his beautiful brown eyes peering into mine.

"Nope. The ground isn't very comfortable." I laughed quietly trying to to disturb everyone else who was now asleep.

"Here." Edmund said quietly before moving his arm under my head. "Is that better?"He questioned.

I nodded. He smiled. "Thank you, Eddie." I turned my gaze back to the stars above. "I love this."

I could see Edmund turn his head to look at me out of my peripheral vision.

"The stars?" He questioned.

I nodded. "They are the same here as they are in Finchley." I whispered. "It's nice."

I could feel Edmund's eyes on me as I spoke. I turned to meet his gaze once again. His lips formed an admirable smile as he looked at me.

"What?" I asked with a slight laugh.

He shook his head. "Nothing." He laughed quietly.

I sat up a little bit. "No, no! You have to tell me! What's so funny?" I laughed quietly.

I placed my hand on his chest and lightly shoved him.

"Edmund Pevensie! Tell me!" I laughed only causing him to laugh even harder.

He turned to me, his eyes glossy with tears from laughing so hard. "You're cute." He said with a smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thank you, Eddie. I know." I laughed and then playfully flipped my hair cause Edmund to let out a loud laugh.

"Guys shut up!" Peter growled sleepily as he shifted slightly.

Edmund and I looked at each other before laughing together.

"Shh!" I whispered to Ed through a laugh. Eventually we calmed down and I laid my head back on his arm. Edmund turned to me so our bodies were facing each other.

"I really do mean it though." Edmund whispered as he brought his hand up to my cheek, stroking it softly. "You are adorable and absolutely beautiful." His voice trailed off to a whisper. "You are everything to me."

I could barely hear his voice by the time he was done talking. He had gotten so quiet as he spoke.

"I love you, Eddie." I whispered.

He smiled before moving his head closer to mine and gently placing his warm lips against my cold cheek.

"I love you more." He smiled as he pulled away from the gently kiss. He then wrapped his other arm around my waist pulling me into his chest, engulfing me into his warmth. "Get some sleep, Nellie."

I smiled into his chest as I breathed in his scent of mint. "Goodnight, Eddie."

"Goodnight, Nellie." He kissed my forehead before resting his head above mine.

I gently wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head into his chest before falling into a peacefully sleep with no nightmares.


not edited <3

i know this chapter is very short but it is so cute!!! ed and nell own my entire heart. i can't even they are my over-sized angel babies!! (@ molly)

the beauty of the sound / edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now