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Later that day the wind stopped coming so we weren't able to sail very much.

"The wind has left us." Drinian said as Edmund, Caspian, and I all tried to figure out what to do.

"How can we get to Ramandu's Island now?" Edmund asked.

Drinian sighed. "My guess is something doesn't want us to go there."

"I agree," I said as I crossed my arms. "The wisps of our bond keep coming out and they normally don't come out unless one of us is near death. They're warning us."

Caspian looked down. "We have to do this. We can't give up now." He then walked away.

I sighed before leading my hands on the railing while looking out at the calm sea.

"Hey," Edmund said as he placed one of his hands on mine, squeezing it gently. "We're gonna be okay."

I turned my head and met his gaze. "I-I just have a really bad feeling."

He gently pulled me into his chest, holding me tightly. "I know, I feel it too, but I promise I won't let anything hurt you." He pulled away from the hug and gently pressed his lips against mine.

Our kiss was cut short when the whole boat was lifted. Ed and I nearly fell over, had it not been for him quickly grabbing onto the railing and keeping his arm around my waist.

"What the bloody hell was that?" I asked as we both looked over the edge.

I smiled when I saw that Eustace had wrapped his tail around the front of the boat and began to pull it himself.

"Eustace!" I cheered. "That's brilliant!" I smiled widely.

Edmund then went to go talk with Caspian while I went to hangout with Lucy, Penny, and Gael.

I was currently sitting on the floor of their room while skimming through a book I had found.

"Is it true?" Gael asked causing me to meet her gaze. "About you and King Edmund? Are you both really bonded?"

I smiled at her. "Yes, it's true. Look." I raised my hand and showed her to golden wisps. She gasped quietly before coming to sit down next to me.

"They're beautiful." She said with a smile.

"They are pretty neat aren't they?" I smiled.

"You and King Edmund are very in love aren't you?" She asked again.

Penny laughed from the bed before coming to sit down next to us. "They are more in love than anyone can even imagine."

I smiled at her. "I love him with everything I am."

Lucy smiled. "And he loves you the same."

I blushed and looked down at my lap.

"I hope I meet someone who love's me like that one day." Gael said. I turned to her and smiled.

"You will." I told her and she smiled a lot.

A knock at the door sounded so Lucy went to open it.

"We're here." Edmund said once she opened the door. I stood up and walked over to him.

"We're already at Ramandu's Island?" I asked with a shocked look.

Ed smiled. "I know, I'm as shocked as you are."

"Okay, we'll be out there soon." I smiled at him before giving him a small kiss.

I pulled away however when I heard Gael and Penny giggling together.

"Oh shut it." I laughed before Edmund smiled and left the room.

Once they were all ready we said goodbye to Gael, since she would be staying on the ship, and got into the boats and headed towards the island.

By the time we got to the island, night had fallen making everything even more creepy. I walked in front with Edmund while we kept our pinky's hooked.

We walked through some sort of ruins that barely stood since they were so old. After walking past a bunch of statues we came to an opening with a large table full of food.

When we reached the end of the table we saw three men sitting there. We all gasped and pulled out our swords.

"A-Are those the Lords?" I asked as I turned to Caspian.

He nodded. "Yes. What happened here?"

I saw Lucy touch one of the men. My eyes widened when I noticed something. "They're breathing." I gasped softly. "It's the food!" I yelled while turning to the Narnian's and they all dropped the food they had been holding.

"Look!" Edmund said as he shined his light on something. "It's the stone knife, this is Aslan's table!"

Caspian and I quickly grabbed their swords and laid them down on the table.

"We still need one." I said while looking at Caspian and Ed.

The swords began to shine a bright blue as a light then came down from the sky and a women appeared.

She was glowing a beautiful shade of blue and I couldn't help but admire her beauty. She was a literal star after all.

"Travelers of Narnia," She began as she smiled at us. "Welcome." everyone bowed to her. "Are you not hungry? This food is meant for you."

"Who are you?" Edmund asked as he squeezed my hand.

"I'm Lilliandil, daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide." She smiled.

"You are most beautiful." Caspian said as he continued to stare at her.

Her face became worried. "If it is a distraction for you, I can change form."

"No!" Caspian and I said at the same time. Edmund gently nudged me before letting out a small laugh. I smiled and shrugged at him.

"Please, eat." She said before raising her hands and lighting the fire on the candles.

Everyone began to grab some food before Edmund interupted. "Wait, what happened to them?" He asked pointing towards the Lords.

She smiled before explaining how the men had began to cause trouble so they had to be put under a spell in order to stop it.

She then began to lead us to a small overlook that allowed us to see a very strange looking island.

"Before long the evil will be unstoppable." She said as we all stared at the island. "The last sword you need is in there."

"Why is it always someplace scary?" Penny said from beside Lucy.

Lilliandil then turned to us. "Waste no time."

Caspian smiled at her. "I hope we meet again." She smiled at him before turning back into the blue star in the sky.

I walked over to Caspian and gave him a pat on the back. "That's a tough deal, falling in love with a star."

He playfully glared at me. "Oh shut up."


not edited <3

we're almost done with voyage of the dawn treader and i'm UPSET

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