twenty five

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Eleanor's P.O.V

That night Caspian got crowned King and everyone wanted to celebrate. I decided to celebrate a bit before going up to my bedroom.

The moment I walked into the room I changed into one of Edmund's tunics and some comfortable black pants.

Once I got changed I decided to walk out onto the balcony of my room so I could watch the fireworks that were currently going off.

I looked up as bursts of green, red, orange, and yellow spread across the starry night sky.

"There you are." I heard Edmund say from behind me causing me to turn around to him. "I was wondering where you went."

I smiled lightly at him. "Sorry, I just wanted to get away from the crowd." He smiled at me before walking towards me and placing his hands on my hips.

"Yeah I get it." He smiled at me. "Caspian's dancing did get a bit crazy, huh?" He and I both began to laugh.

Once we both calmed down I placed my right hand on his cheek. "I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too." I smiled before moving up to press my lips against his.

His hands tightened on my waist as he pulled me impossibly closer. When we pulled away he smiled at me.

"That has to be the best feeling in the world." He said softly.

I smiled at him before I noticed something on our arms. Golden wisps traveled down Edmund arm while more traveled down mine.

"Eddie, look." I told him while keeping my gaze on the golden wisps. I placed my hand in Edmund's and watched as the wisps danced around our fingers as they came together.

Edmund laughed quietly. "It's like they know we're finally together."

I laughed before looking back into his eyes. "Yeah maybe."

"Hey," Edmund began. "I was talking with Aslan after you left and he told me that our bond will help heal you. I know you aren't hurt physically anymore but I know you are mentally. No one should've gone through what you did." He looked down. I could tell that he felt horrible for what happened to me.

"Hey, look at me." I placed my hand back on his cheek as he moved his gaze back to mine. "What happened to me wasn't your fault. You didn't whip me, Miraz did."

I could see his eyes begin to water. "I promised you I would protect you, but I didn't." His voice was barely audible.

"Ed, you aren't gonna always be able to protect me, I know that, but you need to realize that too." I told him while I stroked his cheek softly.

He smiled softly. "I can still try."

I laughed quietly before grabbing his hand and placing it on my waist. I then grabbed his other hand in mine and placed my hand on his shoulder.

He gave me an amused look. "What are you doing?"

"We're dancing." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. While we swayed slowly the music from the ballroom could be heard.

Edmund squeezed my hand before gracefully twirling me around. I tried to stifle my laugh as I met his gaze again.

I smiled at his softly before leaning closer to him, placing my head on his chest, breathing in his scent.

Edmund brought his head down to rest in the crook of my neck, his nose brushing against it gently, sending chills down my spine.

I barely noticed that we had stopped moving completely. We both just stood there on the balcony holding onto each other as the golden wisps of our bond collided.

The pain that had clouded my mind from earlier slowly began to drift away as thoughts of Edmund took over.

"It's working." I whispered into his chest.

"Hmm?" Ed breathed against my neck before pulling away to look at me once more.

I met his gaze. "I-I can't feel the pain anymore." I whispered quietly. I brought my hand to his cheek, rubbing his gently with my thumb. "A-All I can feel is you."

He smiled widely at me before turning his head in order to kiss my palm.

"I told you so." He laughed softly. "I can fix anything can't I?"

I scoffed playfully before pushing his shoulder. "And you just ruined the moment." I said before walking back into my room.

"Oh come on!" I heard Edmund exclaim from the balcony. I laughed softly at the dorky boy who I could finally say was mine.

As I walked towards the bed I heard footsteps rush up behind me before I was lifted into the air.

"Eddie!" I laughed. "What are you doing?" I asked as he began to carry me bridal style to the unnecessarily huge bed in my room.

"I'm being a gentlemen." He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "By carrying me to bed?" I asked. He smiled and nodded causing me to laugh gently.

When we reached the bed, Edmund gently placed me down and moved the covers so they rested on my legs.

"Such a gentlemen." I teased as he smoothed out the covers over my legs. He smiled at me before walking over to the other side of the bed and getting in himself.

I smiled knowing that I didn't even have to ask him to stay. He just knew. He always knew.

I laid down and moved to the middle of the soft bed to be met with Edmund. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled in close to him.

"I never thought a bed could feel so comfortable." I said with a peaceful sigh.

"It's cause I'm here." Edmund said causing me to laugh into his chest.

"You're such a dork." I smiled into his chest before pulling away to meet his gaze. "But you're my dork."

He smiled before bringing his lips to mine. We both smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

Ed removed a hand from my waist and brought it to my cheek. He gently moved some hair behind my ear. "And you're mine." I smiled even wider than before.

I then moved my head back to his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Goodnight Nellie." He whispered before placing his lips onto my forehead.

I smiled more into his chest. "Goodnight Eddie. I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible." I said into his chest.

"No, it's possible. Trust me."

I shook my head into his chest. "Nope." I said popping the p. "It's not possible."

"Are you saying I'm wrong about how much I love you?" He laughed, his chest shaking softly against my head.

"Maybe." I laughed before yawning.

"Get some sleep Nell." He tightened his grip on my waist before we both fell into a peaceful sleep.

No nightmares. No screaming. No pain.

Just our love.

Just us.


not edited <3

they own all my uwu's.

i felt that they deserved to have a very soft moment since I put them through hell the last few chapters.

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