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We all walked around the ruins a bit taking in everything that was now destroyed.

"Catapults." Edmund stated from beside me.

I turned to him and gave him a confused look. Everyone else watched over to us when they noticed we suddenly stopped.

"Cair Paravel was attacked?" I asked. Edmund nodded slowly as he inspected the large boulder in front of him. "Why would someone attack us? When we all left there was peace all across Narnia." I stated.

"Whoever attacked must've taken our disappearance to their advantage." Theo said as he slowly ran his fingers over the boulder.

"Why would they want to attack a bunch of innocent people?" Penny asked quietly. I gave her a sad smile and pulled her into a side hug. "We weren't harming anyone."

"War is just a terrible thing." I told her as I squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

I looked around and noticed a very familiar statue.

"Hey guys?" I said as I pointed towards the statue. I looked over and saw that Peter's eyes were lit up.

He and Theo then walked over to the statue and pushed it out of the way, revealing a door.

Theo and Peter were able to open the door and we were left facing a dark staircase.

Peter then began to rip off the bottom of his school shirt. "I don't suppose you have any matches do you?" He asked once he had wrapped the small piece of cloth around a piece of wood.

Edmund gave me a quick glance with a small smirk on his face. He then began to look through his bag.

"No," He began and then pulled out his flashlight. "But would this help?" I laughed along with everyone else.

Peter smiled. "You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" He exclaimed as he dropped the cloth covered stick.

Edmund smirked at me before hooking our pinky and walking with me down the staircase.

When we all reached the bottom of the stairs we all couldn't help but gasp. All our old armor and belongings were still here.

I turned to Edmund and gave him a wide smile. We both then laughed slightly before running over to our chests that sat beside each other.

The moment I opened mine I was met with my old sword that I loved with every bone in my body.

I quickly took it out and unsheathed it with a wide smile upon my face. I felt eyes on me so I turned to see Edmund watching me with a wide smile on his face. His eyes full of admiration and love. I blushed and then turned back to my chest.

I noticed something small on one of the many dresses that sat inside. I gasped loudly and then grabbed it.

In my hands was the heart shaped necklace that Edmund had gotten me for my 18th birthday.

I quickly put it on, the coldness of the metal touching the bare skin on my chest. I smiled even wider with it on.

"I was so tall." I heard Lucy say causing me to turn my attention to her.

Susan smiled. "Well you were older then." Penny giggled as she held one of her old dresses up to her chest.

"As opposed to hundreds of year later," Edmund said and I turned my gaze over to him to see he had a now over-sized helmet on his head. "when you're younger." We all laughed.

Still laughing I walked over to Edmund before taking the helmet off his head and placing it onto mine.

"How do I look?" I asked as I attempted to pose.

the beauty of the sound / edmund pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now