The Beginning

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Art Done By Likesac

"Aw, don't you look just the cutest in your wittle dress... Adrean, sweetie. Doesn't she look adorable?"

The man only turned his head slowly to look blankly at the little girl. His eyes showed no joy, no sadness, no anger, nothing. All he gave was a slight nod towards his wife.

"I'm so glad you agree!" The woman replied with joy as she picked up the child. "Oh my, you're getting big! It's almost like just a week ago I was holding you in my arms at the hospital... Remember, Adrean?"

The man continued just to stare, and gave another. Slow. Nod.

This made the lady chuckle with joy as she held the small girl in her arms. All she could do was partly cling to her mothers embrace, as she did not want to let go for her own safety unless she fell. But this was the only reason she held on tight.

"Yep... You're mummy's little girl..." She mumbled, looking down into the girl's cold, lifeless red eyes; the same as her own. Her expression showed a smile. But the girl knew it was an empty doll-like expression. It meant nothing. "You'll grow up like everyone else has, and get your happy ending just like I did..."


The sound of an alarm muffled it's way into my head, as my eyes slowly opened to the sun squeezing through my curtains onto my face as if welcoming me to a bright, sunny day. My eyes only stared at the bright gap; despite this act. My feelings nor expression changed. Just like normal, I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms out which followed by a few clicking sounds. Removing the covers and planting my bare feet on the floor. I opened the curtains and was met by a blast of light which I covered my eyes from in reaction till they adjusted. It was 7:00am. The sun had just peaked over the hills in the distance but still gave the area a slight orange gradient. Some people were leaving their apartments to get into their cars and leave for work, which was around at the back of the building. My apartment was on the top floor, so I could visibly see quite a lot of the area behind the apartment building. Opening the window, a gust of chilly air rushed in and blew through my dark pink hair. It did make me shiver but it was a way to somewhat wake me up more.

A dresser sat opposite my double bed at the other end of the room with a mirror on top, Beside which was a closet. Opening the closet I checked through my clothing till I found my school uniform then softly closed the doors before making my way to the bathroom.

Something stopped me from the corner of my eye.

Turning my head, I looked at the mirror. All that was there was a reflection of myself; staring back. The dead, lifeless red eyes stayed the same. The cold pale skin stayed the same. The empty expression stayed the same. It was almost like nothing had changed since that day, all that had happened was I had... changed body and height. But the inside stayed the same. Empty, cold and dead. Not even my heartbeat felt alive to me. Just something which had to do its job and that was that, no reason to do it. It just happened.

I only stared for a few seconds before continuing to my destination. The bathroom held a slight lavender smell from the incense which had been left burning last night. I placed the clothing on the rack before undressing from my pyjamas and having a morning shower.

The rest of what normally takes place followed. Shower, Dry Hair, Dress, Brush Hair, Have Breakfast, Pack things then leave. However while I was eating, a knock came from the front door. Which froze my hand in place while eating my cereal as my eyes drifted to the door as the room held a darker atmosphere then before.

Why is SHE here

I placed the spoon down and got up, slowly making my way to the door. There was another knock. My hand reached for the handle before suddenly freezing up and shaking. Seeing this I shook my head before using my other hand to force it to open then door as fast as I could. The cause of the knock slowly lowered their hand down in surprise at the sudden answer they had got after waiting. "Oh. You are awake then." The voice stated. It wasn't her. Thank god...

In the entrance stood a girl which wore the same uniform I did. Her hair was short and dark brown with her eyes being a dark blue. She also had blue clips placed in her hair to prevent her bags from getting into her eyes. She wore knee high white socks which seemed to match rather well despite the other dark colours of her natural looks. Her smile shone as she placed her arms behind her back. "You took so long I thought you were still asleep, hehe." Her soft chuckle was sweet and angelic which received a smile from me.

But deep down I felt nothing for this girl.

"Right, sorry... I was busy with something." I replied looking back. "Huh? Did I interrupt something?" She questioned with a worried expression. "No, it's fine. I was just having breakfast before I left." Which lead to another question. "...Why are you here exactly? We don't normally meet till we're at school."

"Eh?" She looked away. "W-Well... I... Just decided to come down your way this time and thought we could walk to school together." She replied with another smile. I stared in silence. "...The group of boys weren't there this morning were they." This reply changed her expression drastically. "W-What?! W-What group of boys..."

"The ones you said you were going to hang out with yesterday... There's 5 of them and you really liked the one with blond hair." She just looked so shocked, but from my face she could tell I wouldn't buy any of her lies. So she just pouted. "Fine... Yes that's why I came here..." Then she looked back at me. "The only reason I hang around boys like that is so I can hopefully get a boyfriend! You should try to. I've heard some of them saying some things about you and one of them seems to have an interest. You both would look so cute together!" I simply shook my head. "I have no interest in acting like that like most other girls do; and you shouldn't either. You could get into trouble. Plus finding a boyfriend isn't that important." She pouted again. "God you sound just like my mum..."

"You didn't etherate her common sense then." I replied, which made her look once again in complete shock. "Meanie!" She cried. "Jodie, I'll be out in a minute or so. You can come inside if you want..."

"...Do you still have those cookies from yesterday?" I nodded, then she hugged me. "Then I will!"

"Ok... Ok..." And I welcomed her in.

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