Shattered Plans

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The following week or so was fine. I managed to spend time with George during lunch times when he wasn't busy, though he was always looking after her. It didn't help whenever I tried to speak I would normally be interrupted by her asking a question or saying a statement of her own. It didn't seem like she was doing this to be rude, but just to try and contribute to the conversation. Either way it annoyed me, but I kept myself together and pretended to be nice whenever she was around George. But when he wasn't with her, I just left her alone.

I still didn't see any connections of the two forming any feelings towards each other; until last week. It seemed as though she started to get more clingy to him. But not in a little sister way. Just wanting to be around or help with anything she could. Even though he said it'd only be for the first few weeks; George let her stay around him. I didn't know if this was because he didn't have the heart to tell her to go away or his sister had him pinned on her for some reason. But it seemed to be the former version.

I was sticking to my "no killing" terms however and instead tried talking to her a few times about why she was being so nice to him. At first she stated that he was just her only friend at school "besides me" and that since he's been so nice to her, she wanted to do the same thing. I did settle with that answer until a few days passed and she started acting different again. This time getting more flustered whenever she asked if he needed anything or wanted to do something after school. When I questioned her again about it she did in fact state that she did have feelings for him when we were waiting for George to arrive to have lunch. As much as I had to fight my emotions when she told me this; I kept my calm and explained to her that it probably wouldn't be a good idea for her to go down this path. Since they hadn't met that long ago and it'd be silly to move into something so serious so quickly.

She did agree with me but then said she'd wait a little bit to see if he gave her any signs. If not then she'd still wait and confess her feelings to him under the cherry tree behind the school. So that even if he didn't like her back; she at least tried and failed instead of not trying at all. Her mind stayed fixed on her plan no matter what I tried to say: only making it harder for me to stay calm and not accept the instincts of grabbing her head and bashing it over and over on the schools concrete wall. However my urges sufficed once he arrived. But still. The problem was there; it needed to be fixed without murder. What would it do to him otherwise? To the school knowing that the murderer was actually still on school grounds? This one was going to be the hardest of the lot since murder was off the table.

I decided to wait outside of Georges class before we went to go have lunch together. I went through plan after plan last night but all of what I came up with were either A: Unstable or B: Would turn on me. For example an idea I came up with was ruining her reputation or getting her expelled, however both of those could lead to George being upset or in trouble with his older sister which as he said would effect them financially. I already had be-friended her but from the debate we had a few days ago, there was no way she was letting it go so easily and she didn't have anything I could black mail her with. Hooking her up with another boy isn't an option either. I asked around school and nobody disliked or liked the girl, I did ask some of the younger first year groups if they'd be willing to be friends with her in hoping she'd take a liking to one of the boys in her year but when I told her about it she stated she was just happy being around the two of us. Of course she did.

So this left me with only one option left: Rejection.

Yes it'd probably "break the girls heart" but his sister couldn't get mad at him for that nor can she force him to like him. Because if she did I'd slit her throat. But from what I've gathered that's the best way to get past this problem. Then after this breezes by I can go the right way with spending time with him for a few months and then confessing myself. If that fails. Then...

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