I Forgive You

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A week had gone by since the break started. One more left and hopefully I can start progression on getting closer to George. Having nobody in the way of ruining that. There better not be anyway after everything that's happened.

Clasping the bag of groceries in my hand, I walked down the footpath as the chilly evening air blew down the streets of the town. It was maybe 5:30, 6:00? I didn't have my phone on me. The police finalised the case as a technical error for the cause of death and the school plans to re-open but not have a student council anymore; for a few years anyway.

All of the problems had been taken care of, and now it was just me. Maybe life will finally give me a chance at actually being with him instead of throwing random people in the way. A sigh escaped me while I reached the apartment building then pushed the button for the elevator. Then after going up to my floor I walked down the path, pulling out my key. Then I stopped.

...My door was open.

After standing still for a few seconds, I felt a wave of emptiness as I stared more at the crack in the door. I hadn't felt something like this since I was.


Approaching the door; placing a hand it pulled open. Making a creaking sound. Though no noise came from my apartment.

...No I didn't leave the door open...

Stepping inside, I closed the door behind me causing it to click as I had hoped. Staying silent, still no noise followed. Though my expression didn't change. I still had my scissors in my side bag, so I gently placed the groceries down then took them out as I made my way down the hallway to the living room and kitchen. The place had gotten a darker tone. Not as dark as aunties apartment. Something worse.

Once I entered, I saw someone sitting at the dining table, but as my eyes adjusted I got a look at their face which sat in the darkness.

"...Dad...?" Then there was movement from behind me. Clasping my scissors I turned to stab the unknown being behind me somewhere in the side head or neck region; but it stopped. A cold, pale hand held it's grip tightly on my wrist as it shook. Desperately trying to impale it's target in anyway it could; sadly not strong enough. She had the same eyes as always: her expression showed a smile. But I knew it was an empty doll-like expression. It meant nothing. Like always.

"Look how much you've grown..." She muttered as she reached out to place a hand on my cheek. Once I realised what was happening I pulled back out of her grip and stepped backwards not letting my eyes off where she was. She was unpredictable. She was worse then Sofia. My aunt is nothing but a small roach compared to my mother. The larger half of that family bloodline. "How've you been dear?"


"Hm. Always treating me with that silence of yours. Guess you haven't changed on that much at least." She flicked the light on causing me to squint a little at the sudden light. She then simply just walked past me and over to my father, who she happily sat next to. Wrapping both her arms around him and giving a peck on the cheek. He seemed to fluster a little at the kiss but he didn't look at me; probably because mother forbid him to.

"Come sit down Ane, we have a lot to catch up on..." She hummed. Despite how much I wanted to kill her then and there; it was no use. She could see right through anything I said or did and even best it in some way. At this point she could easily kill me and get away with it without a single trace leading back to her. And if she felt she really needed to cover her tracks; she'd frame it on my aunt. Which she wouldn't go against.

She continued to stare at me, as if she could tell exactly what I was thinking. I looked at dad. He was still looking away, but he gave me a quick glance after a moment. As if to say he was sorry or that he did want to see me but I knew the reason why he couldn't truly express his feelings. From what I've seen I'm the only reason he's still sane in this world.

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