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WARNING: Before reading please be warned that there is slight rape content contained in this chapter. If you're not comfortable then please skip this chapter.

This Chapter Is Heavily Inspired By Happy Sugar Life


I managed to find the girl after departing with Jodie. She was grabbing her things from her locker before leaving the school through the gate entrance. I didn't follow her too closely else it was obvious, but I made sure I didn't loose track of her either. There was a few times I could have possibly got her but all of them had a low chance of success from the looks of things... I had already put my gloves on so if I was to touch anything my finger prints wouldn't be on them. Eventually I saw her go down a rather dark street with a lot of alleyways between each building. I have never travelled around this part of the city before. Maybe I could chloroform her now, take her into one of the darker alleyways and finish her off there... This is a sketchy part anyway so it'd almost seem normal for her to be murdered here.

I started to pick up the pace while she was looking around the area. Pulling out the cloth I walked up behind her. She turned around before I could grab her; I guess she heard my footsteps. But She didn't have the chance to scream as I pinned her down to the ground holding the cloth over her nose and mouth while she struggled but the chemicals soon settled in. Nobody was around that I could see so once she was out I dragged her into an alley before deciding how to take care of her body. How a murder like this would take place would be either the chest or the neck. The chest is harder to take care of while the neck would be messy. Then again I did have a blow torch but then it wouldn't look like a quick murder.

I did bring a coat with me. So at least when leaving I would be able to cover myself with it to not draw suspicion then burn it in the apartment's incinerator. Aiming the knife at her throat at the appropriate angle and making sure I got the least amount of blood on me as possible; taking out a knife, I percid one side of oesophagus before moving the sharp edge of the knife across to the other side splitting open her throat as blood squirted out onto the concrete. She coughed and struggled as she bleed out but since it was a vital area it didn't take long for her to die. The scene I had in mind was that she wondered down here and was killed by a random stranger and left to bleed out here. So I placed the body in the right position before placing the murder weapon away and started to clean up a little to make the scene believable. "Well Well. What is this I have stumbled across."


Looking down towards the exit a figure stood there as it began to approach. Once it got closer I saw it was the boy from before. The one I bumped into. "I knew there was something which drew me to you... But I didn't know it'd be THIS good." His expression had drastically changed from when I first met him. His smile was more wide and sadistic and his eyes gave off a cold feeling as they stared at me. Twitching now and again. Though he was a witness to what I had done; and I couldn't have him walking around. I simply stood up with the knife in hand before running at him.

Then he pulled something from his pocket. As I glanced at it, it was a video. "Ah ah ah... Get any closer and I'll set this straight to 911." I stopped. "That's my good girl..."


What's this. It's new. It's dark and... bitter...


...I feel sick...

"Now. Drop the knife and move away from it..." I didn't. He moved his thumb back over to the send button.

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