Say "Ahh"

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Art By Eisjon

The time was 12:30pm, lunchtime. I had set up everything I needed in the closet. 2 buckets, Mop, a towel and a spare uniform which was wrapped in a plastic bag so no blood would get on it. I had everything else I needed in my bag; the last thing I needed to do was get her in here after hours. Which would be the hardest part. I couldn't get her now even if I wanted to because she was having lunch with George again.

That Bitch.

So with a sigh, I left the room and locked the door. The reason I had the keys was because I volunteered to the teacher that I could be the one to stay behind longer then anyone else to make sure all the closets were locked properly and everything had been put away as it should. Which she said she was happy for me to do. So nobody could get into this closet even if they tried to; everything was safe.

I was debating if I should go watch to make sure nothing happened between them without me knowing; then again Jodie could also be looking for me which is another hazard because then she'd--



Speak of the devil...

"Where have you been!?" She yelled once she got up to me. "I was waiting at your place this morning for 45 MINUTES for you to show up and you weren't even there!" She pouted and puffed up her cheeks and folded her arms in frustration, then grumbled. "Where were you..." I just sighed. "I left early this morning, I had to do something at school."

"You could have told me!"

"I suppose it never crossed my mind."

This seemed to just anger her more; which soon lead to her wrapping her arms around me and squeezing. "Ann! You're mean!" She complained. "I'm sorry, it just simply slipped my mind..."

"This isn't because of that new guy is it..."

"...No. I just wanted to be the first to ask the teacher if I could be the one to lock up the closets at the end of the day."

"Why would you wanna do that?! You have to stay till like... 7pm!"

"I have nothing better to do with my time."

"You could hang out with me!" She squeezed harder, burring her face into my chest. "Don't you remember when I said I missed hanging out with you? I meant it!" Jodie was a strange, energetic girl... But I suppose to keep her off my case I had to do something. "Do you want to have lunch together then?" She looked up at me and her face changed to joy. "Yes! Just like we used to do last year!" She nuzzled me before stepping back and taking my hand. "I know the best place we can eat. Cmon!" She pulled me along up the stairs to the roof top. I was partly blinded by the sun once arriving there so I had to cover my eyes a little bit. "I have the perfect place where we can eat." She stated before pointing over at a bench which sat against the pillar which held the clock in front of the school entrance, so the benches were in the shade. "It looks ok." I replied, wondering if she expected me to be surprised or something from a bench placement.

She giggled as she pulled me along once more then sat down as she started opening her bag; guess I had no other option but to sit next to her. Jodie soon pulled out a lunch box which was wrapped in a dark blue towel or cloth. Unwrapping it, it revealed a black box and as she took off the lid; inside it was what seemed to be a pawn salad, two halves of a boiled egg and two small curry buns. I guess she noticed me looking at it. "Looks yummy huh, I made it last night with my mum. The curry buns were left over from dinner so I decided to add them instead of having them go to waste. My mums cooking is the best!"

"...I didn't know you cooked."

"Well, only simple stuff really... heheheh..." Then she placed the cloth under the box and pulled out a fork, then she looked at me again. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah I probably should." Opening my bag I searched for my lunch box before finding out I hadn't packed one this morning.

...Right I was planning last night so I didn't have time to make lunch...

Jodie must have noticed, because she moved closer to me. "Do you want to share?"

"Wouldn't that leave you with barely anything to eat for yourself though?" I replied. "Nah, I made too much anyway." She scooped up some of the prawn salad onto her fork then moved it in front of me. "Say Ahh." I blinked, but obeyed and closed my eyes.


I felt the food being placed in my mouth and I bit down taking the food off the fork and started to chew, opening my eyes again. "Well?" I heard Jodie ask waiting eagerly for my reply. "...It's really good." I stated as Jodie took a bite of it herself. "I'm glad you liked it. It sorta took me a while to make it... Heheh." She did the same as before and held it up t my mouth again. "Ahh..." She gave me another bite. "Aw, Anemone you're so cute. Hehe..." I just chewed as she passed me a curry bun before she continued eating the salad.

This was alright I suppose... I had to waste time anyway. Plus spending time with Jodie will get her off my back for a bit. Taking a bite of the curry bun I looked up at the sky. It was quite a nice day, a few birds flew by as the wind blew very softly. It did annoy me that I was missing out at what was happening between them. But after today that thorn will be removed. Maybe when we're together I could bring him here to have lunch together; and we could share a lunch box while he could feed me and I could feed him. Maybe he'll call me cute like Jodie did... That'd make me... happy...

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