Wanna Be Together?

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A couple of weeks had passed since the school installed their new security systems. Yeah it's a little scary to think someone who is a MURDERER could be a student which goes here. The security doesn't bother me that much since I wasn't apart of any clubs nor did I stay around on school grounds after hours. Yet Anemone still seemed a bit... Off. She acted the same around me and everything but I got this vibe from her. I can't tell if it was a good or a bad one; just a vibe. It all started around when she admitted she had a crush on a boy at school. Hell it surprised me that ANEMONE would have something like a CRUSH on someone. I'm not saying I'm against that; in fact I'm rather happy she found someone to be fond of but yet... It upset me. I guess it was because if she did get a boyfriend we wouldn't be able to hang out anymore and spend time together. Actually ever since she did get that crush she's been a lot more distant. I guess it's to do with somehow getting him to notice her or... something. I've known Ann for a few years now. 3 and 1/4 to be exact. And she's always been quiet and keeps to herself and goes along with whatever someone else does. Mainly being me. Sure I don't like dictating her but it's just how things worked out I suppose... But now things are changing... I barely see her anymore. I go to her instead of her coming to me. I miss her coming to where I was to eat or hang out. But now...


But now I guess I'm... Too late...

W-Wait. I don't mean it like that! I'd never date a girl N-Never. Mum and Dad would kill me.

But yet... When she said she liked someone else... it...

Fucking dammit!

I slammed my head on my desk.

"Problem Ms Grimes?" I looked up slightly, noticing the whole class staring at me. I glanced to my left; Anemone was staring at me to. "...I was just... Thinking about something and I... Hit my head on the table...?"

...Wait I was meant to lie...!

The class giggled as the teacher glared a little. "Maybe think about that later and focus on the subject at hand." She replied before placing the pen down. "As I was saying before I was interrupted. Your history assignment will be due in 4 weeks. Get into groups of two or three, write your group names up on the board then put what event you're going to do your research on." The class started to talk amongst themselves; eagerly chatting and deciding who they want to group up with. And out of instinct I turned. "Ann, wanna be together?" She turned her head then looked at me. "Oh. Sure."

"Great! What event do you want to do?" She thought for a moment. "...Jack The Ripper could be interesting." She replied. "Was thinking the same thing." I lied before standing up. "I'll put our group on the board and our event." And with a skip in my step I walked up to the front of the class as I picked up the pen and wrote down our names. Though while writing I looked behind me a little bit at her. She was looking out the window; where the front entrance was with the gate. Though her look seemed a lot more... Empty and dull then usual. It couldn't help but worry me. So I went back over. "You alright?" She looked at me again. "...You've asked me that already."

"Yeah, well... I'm being sure." I replied. "Jodie. I'm fine. Just have a lot of stuff going on at the moment..." She replied placing a hand under her chin and resting on it. "...Is it your Mum again..?"


"Oh..." I looked away a little. "Do you... Want to meet up this weekend?"

"At yours?" She replied. "Well... I was hoping we could do it at your place. My parents are having family over and I don't particularly want to be around them 24/7... So you'll be a good excuse to get away from them." Then I paused. "Not saying I'm just being with you as an excuse!"

"I get what you mean." She replied softly before sitting up straight. "Though I don't really like having anyone around at my apartment..." Ann replied bluntly. "I'll be on my best behaviour and won't trash anything. Promise! Plus you live alone so nobody will interrupt us."

She let out a sigh after thinking for a moment. "Ok how about this. What day is better for you? Saturdays or Sundays?"

"Sundays." I replied.

"Let's say Sundays are our meet-up days then. Between either 10am-3pm or 4pm-9pm."

"Let's say 4pm-9pm. That way I get to keep doing my weekend sleep ins."

"You sleep in most days anyway."

"Only when I forget to set my alarm!"

She chuckled to herself a little which made me blush.

"Sundays, 4pm till 9pm. I'll make dinner for when you come over."

"Sounds like a plan."

"In the meantime I'll do some research to get us started while you go find news reports and stuff. Then we get off on the right foot for this. Got it?"

"Yeah. I will don't worry. And if anything changes text me."

She nodded in return and so our plan was set.


Walking home I couldn't help but feel giddy on the inside. Me and Ann were gonna spend Sundays together! It'll be just like the old times! Well; more for a school assignment but my point stands! Should I dress up? I don't even really have any dress up clothes. Nah, go casual.

Wait. Why am I over thinking this... Eh. Doesn't matter. Though I probably should set an alarm to remind me and another one so I remember to look at... Ugh what did she tell me to do... I already forgot! I'm a bad partner!

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