Very Well

15 1 0

I watched her from the time she arrived to the time she left. Before classes, lunchtimes, after classes; until we all left. She sat at the place the others provided her and worked on those costumes. Every time I looked she'd be staring at the next thing she was working on; carefully planning and stitching together the pieces of fabric until they took the shape she desired. Her demeanour had changed drastically since I first saw her.

The way she acted felt more soft and alive instead of cold and constantly calm while her face itself was full of colour; bright and cheerful. Her eyes pretty shades of red blending together to complete a lovely ombre. While her smile and expression also held joy instead of being just a simple line across the lower half of her face. But I never stopped thinking.

Could I have really been so wrong in my investigation? Was it really not her? All the evidence was stacked against her and I was for sure we'd capture her in some sort of act to finally put the last puzzle piece in the correct place but now the puzzle itself has just been shattered. It makes no sense.

"Audrey?" I turned to Angelica who sat across from me at our main council table. Her blonde hair tidily parted in the centre as it ran down the back of her head and formed a plat over her right shoulder. Tied with a small ribbon which matched her angelic blue eyes. All I replied with was a 'hm?'. "Are you still thinking about what happened? I know it was only a week ago but-"

"I'm fine." I spat before averting my eyes away from hers in hope she wouldn't notice my lie. I already had enough up my ass with the school, police and our idol crap so the last thing I needed was my co-members to think I've lost it or something with my "evidence".

"It was scaring... And we're all still shaken about it Audrey... It isn't just you..." I shuddered. She could always read everyone like an open book in this dam room. "Fine, yes. I'm still thinking about it. Happy?" I muttered folding my arms on the desk as I started to think again; my eyes drifting back over to her in the corner. Angelica glanced between me and her. "...You've had something with her since she came. Did something happen we don't know about?"

"I'm just suspicious of something..."

"You really can't be hung up on it... Nothing has happened in the last 6 days since the killer was... well... caught. Not to mention the fact we have the competition tomorrow so you need to be focused on that more then this."

"I know I know..." Before thinking again I sighed and looked back over at her. "My mind has just been clouded lately..." I muttered. She gave a soft smile. "That's fine. A lot has happened lately... But if you want my opinion you've handed this really well..." I looked away again as a light blush dusted my cheeks. "Someone had to keep a level head in this... despite how bad things have been..." I glanced in the corner again.

"...What do you think of her?"


"The girl."

"...Anemone?" I cringed at her name.

"Yeah. What do you think." I couldn't tell if she could hear me or not. Or she was just so invested in her work. She placed a finger on her chin and closed her eyes to think. "...Well. I've had some conversations with her. Apparently she's been sewing since se was 15, which would explain her level of skill. We talked about a few other topics but overall she's quite nice."

"Of course..." I muttered under my breath.

"...Audrey. Really. You need to focus on what's important at the moment." This made me turn on her. "Oh so the fact that this school has lost 9 students to a murderer who was ONE OF THOSE STUDENTS is less important then some idol competition?!"

"That isn't what I meant and you know that!" I glared at her, and she did with me. Despite how pretty she was; she could always give back a death glare and deal with a situation when needed. After a moment she let out a sigh. "We've known each other for so long and please believe me when I say that focusing on this competition may be the best thing we work towards at the moment."

"Why do you say that. Our school has constantly been on the front of newspapers, application numbers are dropping, nobody dares to go near this place or attend school anymore after what's happened so attendance is low. And you recommend we AGAIN work towards the-"

"Hear my reasoning. Audrey." She interrupted with a calm voice. I did as she asked but continued to scowl. "I think if we work hard and win the competition; it'll give our school a good name again. This'll put us in the newspapers for good things; bringing our reputation and population to a better one and even having students attend school again."

"You think winning a competition will blow over 9 deaths..."



"But I think it's worth a try."

I scoffed. "Do you have a better idea?" She questioned like a stern mother who was disappointed in their children's actions. "...I guess not..."

"Then lets use the rest of today to clean up the remaining bits of our song and dance. Mela and Luka are on the roof going through it all while Karlie is doing the last of the costumes as well as Anemone. If we do this right we'll have the perfect shot at winning."

"...I did make you my vice president for a reason, huh." I replied as a small smile creeped across my face. "Of course." She replied; returning the smile. "Then let's go join the others..." We both stood up and left the room, leaving her to her work. As I left; out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't tell if she was staring at me or not.


I'll go along with Angelica's suggestions for now. But if I catch you doing one thing.

Have fun rotting in a prison cell.

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