
42 1 0

Art By Eisjon

There was a splashing sound as I dipped the mop into the bucket and mopped the floor around the pool. Two of the other girls were handling the lane ropes while a boy was setting out the chairs around the pool (or where I had cleaned) and Mare was putting things on the pool shelves. Buckets, Pool Balls, Mops, Cleaning product, ext. I stared over at her as I mopped the floor, before putting the mop back into the bucket then repeating the process.

The two girls came over to me stating that they had finished putting up the lane ropes, had put the pool cover back over and cleaned up afterwards. They were basically asking if they could leave early. All I gave was a simple "sure" as the two girls waved and left. Then there was just the boy. Finishing mopping up, I picked up the bucket and tipped it's remains down the sink nearby then rinsed off the mop before putting both of them in their proper place.

The boy was putting out the final set of chairs while Mare was putting in the cleaning product for the pool. From how things were looking she was going to finish before him; so I approached the boy. "Hey, excuse me." He looked up after placing down the chair. "Hm?"

"You can leave if you want. I can finish up here." He paused for a moment. "...You sure?"

"Yeah. I have to stay behind the longest anyway so it gives me something else to do." I replied with a nod. The boy simply shrugged as he nodded then left down the stairs. I watched him leave towards the school as he entered the building, it shouldn't take that long for him to get his bag.

"Hey! Anemone!"


Turning my head, I saw her walk over to me. "I've finished with the cleaning stuff for the pool. Anything else I need to do before I go?" I hummed in thought, placing my index finger on my chin. "...The last of the chairs need to be set up. Then, that should be the last thing." She tilted her head. "Wasn't that, that guys job?" I nodded. "He said that he had to go home early for some family business, I would help you but I need to go check if all the closets have been locked up. Once you're done you can leave." She sighed at the extra work but gave a nod as she went to get the remaining chairs as I left the pool to be sure there was nobody left on the school grounds.

It had seemed that all of the students had left the school. All who remained was some faculty members and two members of the student council. But they seemed rather far from the closet so they shouldn't hear her even if she did scream. Making one final check of items which I had placed in the closet; I walked back towards the pool area. Before I paused. She was coming down the steps towards the school building and heading straight for the doorway I was behind. I don't believe she saw me, however one question still remained. How to get her in that closet...

The school had become darker due to the sun going down behind the hills, perhaps I could use that to my advantage. Stepping back, I went down another hallway as I waited for her to enter. She did. Then started making her way down the hallway towards the stairs which lead to our classroom. The school's hallway floors were made out of engineered wood and tile, so in an atmosphere like this where it's quiet one person could easily head footsteps at the other end of the hall. So, I took a few steps out before hiding in the dark again. She spun around. "...Hello?" I didn't move, though she did look suspicious before turning around and starting to walk again. Taking another set of steps, I moved to behind the boxes which had been placed behind one o the wall edges. She spun around again, fully this time. "Hello?"


"...I know you're there...!"


I could practically hear her scoff as she spun around again. So I moved, opening the closet door and stepping behind it before closing it slightly.

"Whoever you are, this isn't funny!" Then she fell silent, she must have noticed the closet door had opened slightly. "...Hello?" I needed something else, something to be sure that she would definitely come in here.

...Then I thought of something...

i giggled

There was silence again, then I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer. That worked. "Seriously... This isn't funny..." She stopped walking, so I giggled again. Another sound of silence followed before the footsteps started again, before she was right outside the door which I was hiding behind. Scissors in hand. "...aren't these supposed t be locked..."

She stepped inside. Past me. To the centre of the room before noticing what was on the ground. "What the-" The next sound she made was a muffle from surprise. Before she could scream or bite my hand; the scissors had already penetrated through the side of her head and had gone in rather deep. It had most likely gone through part of her brain. The body in my in my arms slowly went limp as I removed my hand from her mouth, took out the scissors and leaned against the closet door so it shut as the body leaned against me. "Phew..." Softly laying the body down to not make any noise. I cleaned my hands in one of the buckets before locking the door and opened my bag; pulling out a blowtorch, a cloth and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I tipped half of the bottle into the clean bucket before turning back to the body and grabbing the blowtorch. Turning her head to the side so I could see the stab wound; which was still bleeding. Turning on the blowtorch, I faced the flame to the wound as the flesh started to burn and cauterize. Then dipping the cloth into the clean water I mopped up any blood around the wound or any heavy pools which were on her body.

Once finished I moved the body away from any blood splatters or pools which had hit the floor or walls to avoid making any further mess after I had cleaned her up, then grabbing the mop and dipping it into the hydrogen peroxide bucket I cleaned up the puddles and splatters which had been left behind by her. A few spots were hard to get out but eventually every drop of blood was cleaned up; all that was left was me. After rinsing the mop and putting it aside I undressed myself and started to wash the blood off my skin and out of my hair as best I could with the cloth I had brought, doing the same to my scissors to make sure they were nice and clean; then giving them one final scrub in the hydrogen bucket and rinsing off my hands in the clean one.

After everything had been cleaned up, I took out the spare clothes from the plastic bag and got dressed before looking back towards the body. "Should I get rid of the body first or the cleaning equipment..." After making my choice I simply shrugged to myself. "It'd be harder to make an excuse for a body then red stained cleaning equipment. So unlocking the door, I checked down the hallway and one of the south exits to be sure nobody was around before turning back and picking up the body and placing it in the hallway to lock the storage door. Then I simply picked up the body, made my exit, checked around a few corners and made it to the incinerator near the back of the school. Opening it up, I dumped the body inside before closing it back up and going back to clean up everything else. The rest of it was rather easy. Empty the buckets in a sink, wipe out the buckets with the cloth dipped in some more hydrogen peroxide, rinse the mope, put the buckets and mop back in place, dump the bloody clothes into the incinerator along with the towel and cloth. Everything else like the scissors, blowtorch and bottle of hydrogen peroxide just went back into my bag for me to sort out once I was home. After double checking everything was cleaned up; I activated the incinerator before leaving through the school gates.

I did it. I killed her. Without anyone witnessing or leaving any evidence behind.

Did I feel remorse? No. Not in the slightest.

It was her fault for interfering in the first place. For trying to take him away from me and leave me with that empty feeling once again.

But now I could talk to him all I wanted. Without her getting in the way.

I didn't even notice that I had started to skip as I walked. Was this... A new level of joy? I stopped or a moment, letting this new feeling wash over me as I took every aspect of it in. Before letting a smile form on my face as I could feel my face starting to glow with, well... joy. This was such a warm wonderful feeling! I continued to let this emotion take control as I skipped along the sidewalk. The sun had almost set and the mood had almost risen, leaving the sky to be a mix of red, pink and orange with plots of white due to the clouds. A few stars had shown themselves as they twinkled while the clouds drifted across the sky while remaining so calming and gentle. It was rather... Beautiful really.


I should bring Georgy to see a sight like this with me one day.

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