My Love is Only For One

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The following week came; and as she stated. Security camera's and everything else had been put in place. The atmosphere of the entire school had clearly changed with students being more careful and barely anyone being alone. My task was still set though; getting rid of that reporter girl. However it would be obvious if I was snooping around now that the hole school was on edge. Not to mention the fact if asked her about it she'd pin me as a prime suspect. Everything had just been ripped out rom under me; after learning the school's normal routines and students placements everything had just drastically changed. Not to mention the fact it was only a ticking timebomb till something she found pointed to me. But if I tried to get anywhere close to her I'd get caught and apprehended.

This was because the student council knew that she would be a prime target for the killer because she was lurking through the past crimes placing the pieces together. I couldn't ask my auntie for help again, I won't allow myself to go near her after what happened. And I didn't dare go to my mother. Though I'm surprised she hasn't contacted me recently.

"Hey, An?" There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my left where Jodie was standing above me. Holding two bags of chips in her hand. "You ok..?"

"Hm? Yeah. I'm fine... Just thinking..." I replied looking away over the railing. "What about?" She asked, sounding concerned. "Family stuff. I guess." I replied, glancing back for a moment. "...Not my business. Got it..." She muttered before handing one of the bags to me. "The vending Machine gave me two bags. I thought you'd like the other one." I turned to look at her. "Oh, thanks." I replied before taking the bag. "...Chippu's." I replied looking at the table. "Yeah. I think the name is pretty cute." She replied sitting down next to me and opening her bag.

"...Hey, An. If you don't mind me asking. How are things with the guy going...?" I paused for a second in my head. "...Why do you ask?" I replied. "It's just been a while and you haven't brought it up."

"It's complicated. It's harder to deal with then I thought." She tilted her head. "How come?"

"You ask a lot of questions huh..." She nodded with a grin. "You wouldn't get it." I answered before opening the bag and placing a chip in my mouth. "...An."


"...Let's say things don't work out with the guy... N-Not saying that's set in stone but if that did happen."


"...Would you be... Interested in... Going out with a girl..?"


"And you ask that because...?" She paused for a moment. "I just; know someone in my group who has an interest in you. That's all." She replied bluntly; looking away a little.

"You haven't been with that other group for a while. You've been around me. So how do you know."

"It was just a thing she stated, so I figured I'd bring it up..." Things fell silent.

"...No. I wouldn't have interest in dating a girl." I replied before continuing to eat my salty snack. "Oh. Alright then..." She looked at me fully again. "...Hey. An... I didn't see you a lot in the past few weeks. Has something happened...?"

Why was she asking so many questions...

"No, Why?"

"I was just worried is all. With the... so said "murders" going about..." Her eyes seemed a lot less bright then normal. The same was with her expression. "...You know you can tell me anything right. We're best friends. And we look out for each other; and stick together through anything."

"I know." I replied just staring at her. "...So if something is going on with you." She finally continued after hearing me answer; as if she wasn't expecting it. "You know you can tell me." I simply nodded. "Yes, I know Jodie. I'll tell you if something happens." I looked down and reached into my chip bag, thinking. "...And while this goes on. We stay together to keep each other safe; ok?" Her expression lightened before she leaned over and hugged me. "I love you An!" She yelled before nuzzling.


"...I love you to..."


The reason I made that deal with Jodie was so she could be my alibi. That I had indeed been spending time with her at school while outside of school my alibi would be my Aunt. So this meant I needed to take care of her outside of school hours but I'm pretty sure she takes a car to her house; and it's highly secured so I wouldn't be able to follow it. Let alone kill her while she's at home. I needed to think of something else and fast; but my mind was just drawing blanks.

Then it came to what I said.

I told Jodie that I loved her.

And it was a lie.

So why does it... Hurt?

It hurts almost as bad as when I kissed that man.

That sickening gut feeling mixed with the sharp pains in my chest. It was a lie; it shouldn't hurt at all. I would never love or even care for that girl in the slightest but yet I still said it.

I still said I loved her.


Why would I do that.

Why would I ever tell anyone else I loved them.

It was for a purpose but... Still.

I still feel sick.

I still feel empty.

I still feel like I want to kill myself as punishment for even mentioning those words to something else.


My Love Belongs To George Cooper.

In sickness and in health.

Through happiness and sadness.

For richer or poorer.

Until death do us part.

I promise to love you until the day we get removed from this miserable planet and move onto our next life.

Even then my love for you will never die.

My Georgy

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