A Smart Choice

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For the next two days I followed the girl around. She seemed to be mainly looking around the school and asking people about Mare but in her spare time she spent it with George. The last part I hated the most...

It was highly likely she was getting attached to him to; which then would lead to her forming a crush on him most likely. Making her twice the pain... The last thing I wanted was for her to be the reason why I get arrested AND she takes him away from me to. So the sooner I get rid of her the better...

She leaves as soon as school ends and then spends about 30 minutes walking around looking for Mare then goes home. An option would be to kill the girl while she's wondering around somewhere alone or if that doesn't work possibly sneak into her house at night and murder her there. But the second option would alert her parents the following morning which would lead to the police and then to the school...

I couldn't kill her in school hours either because she was constantly with other students and having her follow me somewhere alone may give her the wrong idea and have me as a main suspect for Mare's disappearance. It was difficult to plan something with a high success rate. The best chance I had was to carry a bag with me filled with the things I needed then work out a plan while I followed her around after school.

It was a bad plan but it was the best idea I had at the moment... Who knows. Maybe lady luck will be on my side.


The school bell rang for the end of the day and I picked up my bag and started to leave to find the girl. "Anemone!"


For fucks sake...

Turning around I saw Jodie. "Hey." I replied looking at her. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. A couple of my friends were going to have a party at someone's place and have a sleep over to. I was wondering if you wanted to come along."

"I'm busy." I replied. "...Oh. Well, you sure? A certain someone has also asked you to come along~" I sighed before looking at her in irritation. "Jodie. I already told you I have feelings for someone else. I have no desires to go out and hang around with boys like you do, this is what makes us different." Jodie seemed surprised at my sudden outburst. "...Anemone... I... Didn't mean to..." She fumbled over her words. "Frankly I also think it's a dumb idea for you to be doing that yourself. But if you want to get into that sort of thing then fine, just don't drag me into it."

"I don't!"

"Really. Because I've heard you talk about me to your friends... Without my permission. I don't want other people getting into my business." Her personality seemed to have changed from carefree and clingy to desperate... "I-I'm sorry! Anemone please I am! They just saw me spending time with you and wondered why you didn't hang around with them like me. I never meant to drag you into the group without your permission I swear! Please. An you're the closest friend I have and I really am sorry...!" It almost seemed like she was going to start crying here and now.

Though her words meant nothing to me.

As I stared blankly at her I felt something take my hand into theirs. Jodie hand gotten closer to me, my hand clasped in hers. "I just want to hang out again like we used to. Like remember a couple of days ago when we had lunch together on the roof top? Wasn't that fun?"


"Please just one time after school or in the weekend. I'll make it up to you I swear!"


"You can choose the time and date. I'm only asking for once just to show how much I wanna still be friends with you!"


I looked down at her hands around mine. Her words still meant nothing to me. Our entire relationship meant nothing to me. If she was to drop dead here and now it would mean nothing to me. But ending the relationship may just make her stick around me more. Accepting it to may also cause the same problem. Though whenever I tell her I need to be alone she doesn't seem to be bothered by it because she has her other group. Though that being said she may leave her other group and strictly stay around me. But if I did keep her around I could always rely on her to stand by me if I ever get caught and be a witness to me being around her at the time if the police ever find out about the murder. Or any for that matter.


"...If we remain friends." I began looking back at her. "You promise to respect my requests when I need space or when I'm busy."

"Of course!" She replied still clasping my hand tightly.

"...Then how about we hang around at 6 tonight. I know there's a movie theatre with an arcade so we can go see a late movie then spend some time at the arcade."

She smiled as her eyes glistened with pre-tears. Then she hugged me and nuzzled my chest like she normally does. "Thank you! I promise I won't let you down again!" I had to hug her back before she let go. "So, you're talking about the movie theatre 10 minutes away or so. Right?" nodded. "Around 10-15 minutes away. Yes." Jodie hummed as she let go. "Alrighty. I'll have to cancel going to the party then and spend time with you instead. Cya at 6!"

"Yeah. Cya." I replied as I waved goodbye and walked away. Did I make the right decision. It's rather hard to tell. Though the reason I said 6 tonight was so I had some sort of an alibi if the police came around and questioned me if I did end up killing the girl today. Though they may ask about what happened before 6pm. That's the hard part. I sighed.

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