From The Rain There Is Light

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Art Done By Me

We walked through the school gate as Jodie looked up at the sky. It was cloudy with most of them being grey. "Aw man, I hoped it wouldn't have rained today..."

"How come" I asked out of interest. "I planned to go out today is all, mum gave me a raise on my weekly money so I was going to go buy some things after school. "Hm. Fair enough." Then I looked forward. "...I was also going to ask if you wanted to come." She added, twiddling her thumbs a little. "I don't really have the money to."

"How come? Can't you just ask your mum if you could borrow some money to hang out with a friend?" I paused for a moment. "...Well?"

"I don't talk with my mother that often." I replied trying to brush off the subject. "Wait so... How do you get money? Cause I know you live in an apartment alone so..."

"...My auntie gives it to me." I replied looking down, sickened I had to bring her up. "I get $1500 per month." Jodie stared at me in shock, jaw dropped. "You get $1500 per month?!" She yelled.

"Yes. $150 goes to paying for the apartment. The rest goes to basic needs." She thought for a moment. "Wait so, 1500 minus 150 then divide it by four... somewhat..." Then she came to realise. "Huh. That... Really isn't that much then huh."

"I try to save what I can."

"Living alone must be really hard..." She commented, which did make me think for a second if it WAS hard. I had never really thought about it, it's just become routine ever since I was 16. I wanted to move out and get far away from my mother as possible. Though my auntie was no better... "Something on your mind?" Her voice interrupted my thoughts as I stopped and turned to her. "No, I'm fine." I replied giving her a fake smile. She returned the favour and gave a smile back, though her expression still held a bit of concern. "We should probably get to class huh." She finally stated scratching the back of her head. "Yeah." I replied as we continued into the main building.

The day started like normal. I waved Jodie goodbye as she walked towards her class as I turned towards mine. A few people in the hallways said hello as I did the same in return before getting to my classroom. Class didn't start for another 15 minutes, but I decided to sit at my desk placing my bag on top of the table; pulling something out. It was a thin piece of fabric along with a pair of scissors and needle and thread. I had decided that I should take up some sort of hobby: and I decided to try sewing. It didn't give me any sort of feeling but it was rather a handy skill to obtain as well as the fact you could make so many things with simply a needle and thread and whatever cloth you had lying around. "Hey, excuse me." A voice called out after a few minutes of me starting my work; my head turned. In front of my table stood a girl with brown hair which dropped just below her shoulders. Her hair matched her eyes as well. "What're you working on?" She asked with a happy expression. "Oh. I'm not really sure... I guess it's some sort of doll."

"Aw, cute." She replied taking a closer look at my handy work. "I don't know much people who sew, it's such a cool talent though." I had the feeling she was forcing this manor. As if trying to impress me or get on my good side. "What's your name?"

"Anemone. Anemone Shi." I replied still studying the girls movements and manors. "I'm Mare Smith, It's a pleasure to meet you." She replied holding out a hand, I shook it. I started to realise who this girl was. She sat two rows across from me but I suppose I never exactly acknowledged her. "Have fun making that though, and have a nice day." She finished off before walking over to her seat. I gave a little smile as I watched her walk over.


The bell rang; and school started.

The day went the same. Class from 9am-11:30am. Lunch where I sat with Jodie from 11:30am till 12:30pm. (Though she's usually hanging around boys) and then Class again from 12:30pm till 3:30pm. Followed by cleaning and then clubs going to do their thing. During the last half an hour I looked out the window and noticed it had started raining; rather heavily to. This only reminded me that I didn't bring an umbrella with me today and that I would get wet while going home which would then follow with a shower so I didn't get a cold. Drops slid down the window and fell down to the floor one after another as I just watched while the final minutes of the day drifted by.

The final bell rang.

"Alright that's a wrap for today. Everyone have a nice evening." The teacher stated placing down the white board pen down and closing her book. Students started to get up and chat amongst each other as I quietly stood up and started placing items in my bag before leaving the room making my way to the exit. I stepped out, noticing the rain was even heavier then before. It was... Inconvenient. I instead moved my bag to under my chest so I could at least somewhat protect my school supplies from getting damaged by the rain.

Then something tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me but, do you need an Umbrella? I have a spare with me which was for a friend but he's busy with something else. Feel free to use it." I turned around to the direction the voice had come from.

Then I froze

A boy stood beside me. About 30 centimetres taller then me. His hair was black and a little scruffy but yet neat. His eyes a silver white which hid behind his glasses and he held a warm, greeting smile.

My heart started to pound, my chest raised and dropped at a faster rate, my eyes lit up.

What was this... Feeling?

"You can return it to me whenever you want, so no need to stress about getting it back to me."

"Ah! R-Right..." He handed me the umbrella as he put up his own and stepped out. "I'll cya around." He yelled as he waved back at me. I gave a small wave back as my eyes stuck to him before he disappeared. Then the feeling went away. I stood there, in the cold rain as I stared at his last location. Holding my hand over my chest, my eyes soft and dreamy while a faint smile appeared from my lips.

I wanted to know who he was

I wanted to experience that feeling once again


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