Last Hope

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I didn't go near them as the following days passed. If I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself around the girl, but staying away could just mean something will happen without me knowing. My each passing hour my options became more and more limited. But I still came up empty handed. When Thursday night came around, I stayed up all night trying to come up with another possible plan. But all I ended up drawing was blanks. She said she planned to confess at the end of the day when mostly everyone had left.

This was around 4:30pm. So if she posted the letter between 4:15pm and 4:45pm then that'd leave at least an hour for me to possibly get rid of the note before George could get to it first. Then he wouldn't know that she was waiting for her and I could make sure he just went home. If this did happen perfectly then she'd think he couldn't even be bothered showing up and stop hanging around him all together.

However this plan was very fragile and hard to get right... I'd have to steal a key from the faculty room in order to open his locker and take out the note. Not to mention the fact I'd have to do it with no witnesses. Though it was the only thing I could come up with; which didn't lead to murder.

...But even so...

...Maybe it can't be helped...

Even with all of the negatives which killing her would lead to. Maybe it's the best option. Though me leaving like I did then suddenly coming back would just raise suspicion highly to me. Not to mention putting the school on high alert again. I'd have to wait a few weeks before I could even show my face to him again in order to trim down most of the suspicion but even so...

I stared at the paper in my hands which listed my former plan. I then looked over at the plush I made which sat on the edge of my desk. I didn't know what to do. I had two options; each leading to a possible game over for me. But I couldn't just give up after everything, I needed to at least try. Holding onto some form of hope I better then noting at all.

...Even if the hope is surrounded my toxin a thorns...

It's still.. Hope...

I don't know if my words could even push me into that fake state like they always did. This one felt to... Dead compared to the others... Maybe because this time there really was a chance it was all going to end. That despite what I told my mother and aunt... my wish will never come true...

I grabbed the plush and held it in my hands, while a soft yawn escaped my mouth. "...It's all for the dream that I can one day be with you... to hopefully call myself Anemone Cooper and stand by your side until our days die out..." A small drip landed on my leg. Looking down a few more followed, placing the plush down I touched my right eye. I was crying. The last time I cried was after I killed Joshua. I hadn't felt anything like this up until now.

...The feeling in my chest came back...

It hurt.

Picking up the plush once more, I stuffed my face in it as the tears continued to pour out. This was something new. It wasn't like anything which has happened to me before. Was it regret? If it was it wasn't from killing everyone... It was from something else... It was that mixed with the realisation that after everything I've done it could just all crumble away.

after everything i've done

After everything I've done

After Everything I've Done

It may have not even been enough. No matter how hard I tried.

Maybe they were both right.


Friday afternoon came around, waiting I stood in the classroom closest to the lockers. Waiting for her to post that letter. Everything was set up. I managed to steal the key from the faculty minutes after they all left and before the gym teacher arrived. Barely arriving in time for class. I clasped the key hard in my right hand; as the clock made it's tick tick tick. After what happened last night. I did come up with a back up plan. My scissors were placed behind in my skirt, while a mop bucket with bleach, a mop and blow torch were hid away in bushes near where the cherry blossom tree sat. So depending on the time she arrived I could drag her body into the bushes, clean up the blood and hope George comes and goes in enough time for me to clean everything else up and leave before the clock hit 6pm. But all that won't be needed if I'm able to get that letter from him.

After Everything I've DoneWhere stories live. Discover now