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The only thing I felt at home was dad. Despite the emptiness I had gained from my mother; my father gave me something that wasn't happiness. But instead pity. No matter what he did or tried to do with me; mother wouldn't allow it after I was five years old. Instead she kept me and him separated as much as possible. He never walked me to or from school, he never helped me with my homework or chores, we never watched TV together or talked while we had dinner. She completely shut him off for most of my life. Every time I saw him after that day, he gave me a sad smile whenever he could. Otherwise he wouldn't look at me, despite how much it seemed to pain him.

"Why are you here."

"We came to visit. Does that really sound like such a hard thing to comprehend?"

"For you it is." She smiled again. "How has school been? Grades? Friends? You know. Despite the one you killed in school and at that performance a couple of weeks ago." Of course she knew. "I've been getting straight A's. No less then that." I could practically hear my dad breaking; mother must have told him everything that was happening in the area was because of me, but he didn't want to believe it. Now my answer only just proved him wrong; linking me to becoming like the person he desperately wanted me to have nothing to do with. "And how's the boy? George Cooper, was it?"

I looked over at my bedroom door. The lock which I had just recently put on it had been picked to. She went in my room and saw everything. "Quite the impressive collection you have of him. Photo's, items, you even made a plushie of him. How adorable!" The break came again from my father, as he looked down at the table. His eyes no longer having any brightness to them; just a gradient. "What gave you the right to go into my room and mess with it all... You have my problem. You know what those things are like to us."

"Ahh yes... I know. It hurts doesn't it? Reminds me of when I broke your auntie's leg after she went into my room and looked through all my photos of your father..." She looked back at him, noticing how broken he had become just from this small conversation. Though it was as if she wanted him to be like this. "Having dirty fingers all over your precious items of him. Your mother's dirty fingers. Touching everything which is connected to him. The one person you hate most on this earth. Touching every. Single. Thing." She placed a hand under dad's chin and kissed his cheek. "Y'know, I think we met him on the way here. We said hello and I kissed him on the cheeks. Saying I was from France and that's how we greeted people. He's not your father by a long shot but I can see why you would take a liking to him--"

A slam suddenly broke her rambling. She looked back at me, standing up my hands on the table. Looking directly into her soulless eyes. "You didn't come here to visit me. Did you. You came here to break him through me by using your lies." My father looked up slightly, then down at his wife who's smile had faded and a shadow cast over her eyes which were now a crimson glow. Staring down her daughter as if finding a way to put her back in her proper place on the chess board. "You came to show him all of the things I have done. Even getting proof of it. Shattering the last thing he holds onto before breaking down and becoming your mindless so called "husband"."

"But it's what you have become, isn't it?" She stood up in front of me. "You've become just like me. An empty shell who now knows what it feels like to have that desire for someone. An empty shell which doesn't feel anything from what she says or does to others in order to keep her desire "safe". You've grown up to be just like me. You've grown up to be just like your aunt. You've grown up to be just like your grandfather and his grandfather beforehand. All throughout our families history."

"Like hell I will!"

"You may think you have every problem out of the way. But there will be one thing which always comes along to ruin your "perfect little paradise". I've told you of how I met your father and how we grew up together. Correct?" She looked at him. Dead. He stared back at her, eyes widening as he realised what event she was talking about. Then looked away as the sheer thought didn't help how much he was breaking right in front of us. "What was her name Adrean?" He didn't reply. Though she said it happily with a smile. "Alice?"


"Yes. That was it. What a lovely girl she was. From the first time you saw her, you really were head over heels. She was everything to you, wasn't she? Pretty blonde hair. Pure blue eyes. Kind. Friendly. Busty for all those perverted thoughts you used to get. Oh, how you used to always tell me about her before you knew..." He placed his hands over his ears to block her out. "I tried to be nice y'know. I told you countless times it'd be a bad idea to go after her. That she was way out of your league. That you'd be better off with someone like me instead. But you didn't get the hint and just had to continue to pursue her. Didn't you." He shook his head. The glass still cracking and cracking; barely being able to handle anymore of what she said. But she didn't allow him to escape her torment. She instead ripped his hands away from his ears and made him look her dead in the eye. "Was it fun when you took her into the gym closet and locked the door? Was it fun when she let you undressed her for you to do all your sexual dreams and desires on her? Was it fun when she opened her legs for you to fuck her senseless to cover and fill her with all of your cum? It looked like you had fun with her. You even got her pregnant. You planned to leave school and start a family with her. You even had the ring ready to propose. I gave you countless chances to take back your mistakes but you didn't listen. I did everything for you and that was how you repaid me!? I DYED MY HAIR BLONDE FOR A REASON ADREAN AND YOU STILL WON'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HER WILL YOU?! YOU PRETEND THAT ANEMONE WAS THAT CHILD YOU LOST WITH HER JUST TO FILL YOURSELF WITH A FAKE FANTACY THAT JUST FUCKING MAYBE THIS IS ALL A BAD DREAM AND THAT YOU'RE REALLY STILL WITH THAT DUMB FUCKING BROAD WELL GUESS WHAT, YOU SAW ME SLIT HER NECK RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. YOU WATCHED HER FALL AND BLEED OUT ON THE GROUND AND WHAT DID YOU DO? SAT THERE AND DID NOTHING."

It smashed.

He just sat there. Silent. Dead. After all these years she finally managed to break him. To make him her little puppet that she could leach off whenever she wanted. She finally did it. Her toothy grin came back across her face as she looked down at her so called "husband". From a caring man to a broken mess. All of it had finally snapped him. Just like she wanted.

"Alice is dead. You saw that I killed her. We then went further north and got married and had a daughter. Who is mine. Not hers. You may have pretended that I was her during that act. But you know well enough that you did that to me. The one who took your sweet princess away."

She looked back at me. Looking exactly the same as she did when she first arrived. "We'll be going now. Ann." She took his hand, he stood up and she lead him out the door. Leaving me in my apartment. Alone once more. The man I knew as my father was now gone. I was the last piece she needed to remove in order for her to break him once and for all. Now that she had; she had no desire for me anymore. She never will. She had created me for the soul purpose of breaking him and carrying the timeline of our family along.

Now that she got what she wanted. She no longer needed to do anything anymore. She got what she wanted.

So now it's just me. Alone. No more mother. No more father. Just me.

And my one opportunity which could be taken away by "that one thing which always comes along to ruin your "perfect little paradise". "


I still wasn't going to be like her. I'm still not going to do the things she did and has done to him. I refuse to.

I'll win his heart properly. Not creating a mindless, broken man to become my blood bag like my mother did with my father.

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