Blooming Iris- Summary, author's note and copyright

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• s u m m a r y •

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s u m m a r y •

Iris Kingston had been always seen as a calm person, but nobody knows what lurks behind the shadows. Nobody knows the inexplicable rage inside of her that she tries to contain. She doesn't want to search for its source, so she hides it knowing that eventually it will destroy her and the ones she loves, hoping to pass senior year peacefully.

Then he returns. The guy she knew once, he manages to uncover her dark side. She discovers his secrets, but it's too late to back away. She's trapped in a toxic relationship that put her in a roller coaster of unfamiliar feelings.  Is there a way out of it?
This is the story of a seventeen years old girl, dealing with her inner demons, torments and tangled feelings through her daily life, in a journey of struggle, anxiety, pain, heartbreak, and the weight of expectations. But also of self-discovery, love, joy, and blooming of a strong magnificent woman.

a u t h o r ' s  n o t e •

For all the readers of this book, welcome to Iris's world. I had this idea for a while, and then I said why not write it on Wattpad. It's my first book, and not really something extraordinary, it was a way to sort out my personal feelings and a place where I escape my daily life. Thank you for stopping by! Don't hesitate to share with me your thoughts about it I'll make me really happy.  Don't forget to vote your favorite chapters!

In all honesty, I'm not a native speaker , English is the third language in my country, so excuse any spelling mistakes, and help me correct them. That will be so kind of you!
Also this book contains some words in French. They don't be long and I will definitely adjust them so they're easily understood.

All the characters and events are purely fictional so any resemblance with reality is completely accidental.

This book contains mild language, sexual references, alcohol usage and mature themes.

This book contains mild language, sexual references, alcohol usage and mature themes

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copyright 2018 Miss-bookaholic / Tales for coffee / Ikram. All right reserved. No part of this work or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified without the prior consent of the author.
Do not steal my work.

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