Chapter 9: Fist In the Air ✔

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I was on my way to the parking lot after what felt like ages while it was just another normal school day

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I was on my way to the parking lot after what felt like ages while it was just another normal school day. I was so tired I didn't even stayed to chat a bit with my friends. While I was thinking of my soft bed and big books that awaited me at home, I heard shouting at my right, when I approached I saw a large group of students gathering around something. I was about to turn around when I heard a dozen students hollering encouragingly:
"Asher! Asher! Asher!"
I didn't know what got into me, but I rushed to the crowd and pushed through it to see what was happening.
No freaking way...

In the middle, was Asher on top of a guy punching him in the face repeatedly.
"Don't." punch "Ever" punch "Cross" punch "My way" punch "Again." He said. Then he left the guy that looked pretty bad on the ground, got up trembling them suddenly started running. I dashed after him, my legs pushing so hard to catch him.
He run to the boys bathroom and I followed him. When I opened the door I found him sitting in the ground trembling, one hand tugging at his hand, and the other fumbling in his backpack. I neared him carefully but he didn't seem to register my presence. He was repeating over and over:
"No more! No more!"
Then he started panting heavily, his breath short. A panic attack.
"Asher! Asher!" I took his face in my hands, meeting his gaze. "Asher! Breath! Breath! Inhale! Exhale! Inhale! Exhale!" It didn't work, his breathing intensified and I was shaking with fear.
"My-my back-back pack." He said, the words barely audible.
I rummaged in his bag searching for something that might help. I found a bottle of anti-anxiety pills. I took a couple ones, put them in his mouth and made him drink from the water bottle I carry with me.
"Now breath Asher, slowly, from your abdomen, in, and out, in, and out." I said pushing his hair from his forehead. He seemed to calm down a bit. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply some more. I took a little moment to admire his handsome face. I wanted to pass my head once more on his soft dark hair. I quickly turned away. This is not the time Iris, the guy just had a panic attack.
I put his books in his backpack after spilling them on the ground when I was searching for his medication . When I raised my eyes, I found him staring at the ceiling.
"I'm in deep shit." He said, voice low.
"Are you feeling better now?" I said.
"Pretty much." He replied, avoiding to look at me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Not your business, go home." He said coldly. Really?
"A thank you will be much appreciated." I replied, incredulous.
"I was perfectly in control before you decided to stuck your little nose where it doesn't belong." He said collecting his backpack and turning his back to me.
"Fuck you. Brace yourself for detention for the rest of the year after your little show." I said sweetly, the anger bubbling in my chest.
He threw me a nasty look before turning around. When a guy entered the bathroom, I realized with burning cheeks that I was in the boys one. I collected my backpack and run out, embarrassed. 

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